Chapter 18

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" a yi (auntie )let's go we are getting late"xiaomin said

"Ok come on let's go a xiao and a yu!"

Grandmaster lan was just telling the rules

" oh god it's boring " yubin said

" Mn I know a yu!" Kexing said

After the class

I saw some students were fucking bullying my nephews,how dare they

" hahaha yuandao people have never even seen the world what would they do ahaha! A jiang disciple spoke

" well it's not like you saw the world too!" Yubin said

" we don't care! Brats I bet yuandao isn't even cool enough!" A lan disciple said

" Jin sect is way more richer I bet!" A jin disciple said

And that it for my patience I came running

" how dare you jin sect isn't even compared to yuandao our sect is more richer than any sect more powerful too with powerful sect leaders!"

" yea yea keep dreaming!" Nei disciple said

" oh well you know I personally know yilling patriarch and he won't hesitate to kill you or I can call xue yang you know the killer who kills the whole Chang sect killed the whole yi city!" Kexing spoke

" hahaha yilling patriarch is too good for his own ! He won't kill us ! Oh and he disappeared and xue yang is dead!"jin disciple said

"What is happening here you all?" Lan xichen came and spoke

" they were bullying us , we weren't doing anything and just heading back to our place!"kexing spoke

"No no they are lying!"lan disciple spoke,since lan has a rule to not speak lies

"Well,well let's call your sect leaders and then make a decision,I will go call you all gather in main hall!"

"Ok zewu jun!" Lan disciple said

" what will we do now it's a rule in cloud recess to not Lie and that disciple just lied!" Xiaomin said

" well I don't care let's tell this ying Gege and a die oh and Zhan ge ,xuan ge and a li jie and a ling oh and sang Gege "

" ok do that! " yubin said

" I am going to send the butterfly message to all of them and done "kexing said

" a yi your really intelligent sometimes "

"Should I hit you?"kexing said

In lanling jin

" a li and a ling come here I got a message from xing?"

" what's written in it?" Yanli asked

" it's written they were bullied by a lan ,nei,Jin,jiang and zewu jun is going to call us for meeting they said they have informed their parents and nei huaisang, they all say jin disciple should get removed from our clan as he was bragging about his richness , insulting ying ge this all!"

" oh my! Let's go then zewu jun message just came!"

" Mn I will surely remove that disciple!"jin ling said

Qinghe nei sect

" I just got a message from xing " after reading it" oh my this disciple really chose death hahaha I don't know what a xian will do with it but I will remove this nei disciple from my clan I hate when people bullies someone "

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