Chapter 12

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In yuandao 

" come on jiejie let's introduce you both to my family!"

" ok a xian , coming "

" jiejie , xuan Gege this is my mother cangse sanren , my father wei changze , my grandmother baoshan sanren,"

 " xianxian weren't your parents dead?"

" Mn, jiejie they faked thier death since they had to take as sect leaders of this clan 

" I see a xian" 

This is my uncle xiao xingchen,and this is xue yang and this is my sister wei linqing

" a xian wasn't xue yang a killer?"

" he was but he changed"

" this is my Qing jie, this is a ning, this is my husband lan zhan, these are my children shizhui and jingyi and I already introduced you to my little twins"

" hello, I am jiang yanli "

" hello, I am jin zixuan"

" hello, lady jiang , I am very disappointed and angry at your parents and your brother for treating our a xian like that but I am very glad that you treated him nicely"wei changze said 

" I , jiang yanli apologise at my parents  and brother actions, thank you for your kind words"

"Yanli dear , no need to apologise for someone else behaviour, and also thank you for being a motherly figure when i was away , we thank you , also just treat us like your parents like we will treat you like our daughter" cangse sanren said

" no problem, it my job my xianxian is only three and I like to grow him"

" a li dear we have to go now take care "

" thank you"

Wei Wuxian parents left

" oh my! Did I just notice that ghost general is human again "

" yes xuan Gege my parents did that "

" I , wen Ning , apologise to jin zixuan for killing him"

" it's ok no need to apologise, I also apologise for  my family for killing you and your family , and I knew you weren't in control by a xian"

" thank you master jin and no problem "

" you all, can we be over with these apologies please, we have to make a plan to clear a xian name and take revenge on who killed sect leader jin,nei, young master jin, and indirectly killing jiang yanli and the wens" xue yang said 

" uncle Yang weren't you the one who also killed sect leader nei"wei ying said 

" I  apologise "

" now let's make a plan "

" ok uncle xingchen!"

The plan

 " so let's ambush thier wedding by using master jin and lady jiang "

" how?"everyone asked 

" so when they are just going to get married let ruin it by lady jiang and master jin coming and insulting Jin Guangyao , it will make everyone distracted and then sect leader nei can somehow kill him " xingchen said

" isn't that a perfect idea?" 

" Mn, love  it sure is" xue yang said 

" you both are way more worse than me and Lan Zhan "

" but we don't do it everyday it means you are way worse "

Wei ying and Lan zhan were embarrassed 

" this idea is pretty good " huaisang said

" Mn I agree he surely deserves death for killing thousands of people "Jin zixuan said

" I think so too!" Jiang yanli 

" then everyone agrees let's do this! " Wei ying said

"Tho when is the wedding huaisang?"

" I don't know,I don't know, I really don't know "

" I know, it's on xxx day "

" well ok so we have plenty of time to prepare and to have fun"

Then everyone left and jiang yanli and Wei Wuxian went to talk

" jiejie so how is  yuandao ? "

" it's beautiful, and a xian how is jin ling ?"

" jiejie jin ling is like jiang cheng , he is scared right now meng yao since he knows the truth and whenever meng Yao comes to yunmeng or they go to lan ling , Jin ling always go away when this happens and stay at a inn or just run away "

" I see!,my poor baby"

" a xian what happened when you were banished ?"

" well jiejie people beated me up and whipped me, said tons of rude words i helped them but they don't ever appreciate it , i thought lan zhan hates me too since lan zhan acted like he hates me but then whispered in my ear that he believes me, loves me still I still don't understand how the twins manage to live , at that Time I was pregnant already "

" oh my dear a xian I hate them all too"

" a xian go and rest and I will take care of the twins with lady wen and lady wei "

" thank you jiejie , I didn't sleep at all last night!"

" I know how you felt , Jin ling was like that too"

" jiejie if you want to ask more about Jin ling then go and ask a yi and a yuan and zizhen they know more about him than me "

Ok my dear a xian go and rest , tell hanguangjun to rest too I bet you both didn't "

" ok jiejie"

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