thirteen:﹙to be silent﹚

Start from the beginning

Furrowing her eyebrows Y/n looked around not knowing how he knew. "If you betray me, It wouldn't be the smartest idea-" Fisk had taunted. "Especially with Leah staying at the Estate Grand Hotel along with her parents who are waiting to board a Tuesday flight to Los Angeles California...We have guards outside of their door- to join me later" 

"Yes" Were the only words that came out of her mouth not wanting to risk anything. Almost paralyzed in the spot that she was currently in; her eyes gazed a shade of red side-eyeing the cameras that had been hacked into. 

"Wonderful News, I will have Daredevil pick you up in further notice" Fisk finished before hanging up the phone. She didn't say anything biting her lip a little wanting to destroy the camera's that were in her house. 

Staying on her phone, she opened up the camera app and turned the camera's on. She watched as the red blinking had turned off. Y/n had nothing but the rage inside of her. 

"I'm going to the bakery, to work on it" Y/n wanted to hurry up and fix the bakery so she had that safe place back to herself so she had something that felt like herself for once in the months of not having Matt. 

"Do you think Dex is still going to help you fix it?" Leah leaned back on the couch with Red on her lap. 

Y/n didn't say anything silently tilting her head knowing that he was not going to help her fix the bakery he had broken. But Y/n knew she had the blood money to get it all fixed. 

Even though when she was with Matt he didn't want to lean on the money she had from her family- but she wasn't with him now. So- she could spend her parent's money on anything she needed. 


Her hands were full of paint, and she was doing the painting at the bakery, where the windows were covered in cardboard due to the fact that the glass had been shattered. Y/n needed to get her mind off of everything with Matt and Fisk in order to take a moment for normalcy inside her head. 

After she had finished the last piece of blue tape on the wall to protect the edges, she kneeled down to the ground. She took a moment to examine the destroyed area, knowing what all of the events had caused to the one place that she had put so much effort into. 

The woman was silent and to herself; not wanting to hear anything. "We have to go" The sounds of Dex's voice echoed through her ears. Y/n didn't say anything since he was breaking the silence that she had to moment to herself. 

"Leah should be here anytime" Y/n warned, knowing that Leah was going to wind up bringing her dinner since she was already inside of the bakery for almost all day. She hadn't looked the way of him continuing to fix the tape. 

As if she knew Leah walked through the front door; causing the two of them to look in the direction of the woman. "I got you that old Thai place from down the street," Leah didn't look up at them looking at the brown bag in her hand. "You know the one you and M-" She had stopped herself looking at her boyfriend standing behind the counter. 

Y/n noticed this eyeing Dex with a small smile on her face with nothing but pity inside of her face. "Hey, Dex" Leah had a small smile on her face; turning and side-eyeing Y/n knowing that he didn't know they had become friends again. 

"Hello Lea" He spoke; Y/n's smirk turned into a small frown because of the nickname that she used being used by another person. "I was just about to help Y/n out with the bakery" She stood up as she said that wiping her hands off on the apron. "I thought I needed an excuse to come and see you," 

"You don't need an excuse" Leah smiled over to her; Y/n just stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do or say since there was a lot that she was holding back from Leah. 

Dex had smiled the way of his girlfriend as Y/n cleared her throat. "Leah mind heating the food up again, and getting Dex a coffee?" Y/n asked her best friend not taking her eyes off Dex who had a shit-eating grin on his face. 

"I'd like that please" Dex kept his eyes on his girlfriend. 

Leah nodded before going behind the counter kissing Dex on the cheek as he kissed her back. When the two were finally left alone the smile dropped from Dex's voice. "We both promised to keep Leah out of this," Y/n finally spoke once Dex closed the door of the kitchen leaving the two of them to have a private conversation. 

"I'm keeping her out of this" He confessed, causing her to laugh a little bit. "But you're not keeping your boyfriend out of this" A laugh came out of her mouth that she didn't want to cover knowing how it was. "And that little stunt that you pulled...leading the Lawyer boyfriend to my house-" 

"Have you locked your door since then?" She simply teased. 

Dex came from behind the counter to be able to stand face-to-face with her. Y/n looked up at him silently; "You convinced me that we were going to be in this together" A furrow had gone onto her eyebrows at his delusions being played out. "You're the NightAngel and I'm Daredevil-" 

No words had left her mouth just silently looking at him knowing that she had a million thoughts inside of her mind that would get her killed. Dex was smart at the end of the day, he wanted to get Y/n on his side and he did that by dating her best friend. 

Everything inside of her tried to not laugh as she hooded her eyes looking up at him. "You convinced me you had my back, You convinced Fisk the same thing...But I know you Y/n," He continued. "Where is he Y/n?....the man that Ray brought into my house...The man that Fisk knew you slept with last night...and by the look of you-" 

Dex moved her neck to the side showing the hickeys, grabbing her arms and revealing the bruises. "You had a rough night- Black Mask knows how to use you" This caused her to clench her jaw swatting her arm out of his hand. 

"Fisk wants you alive- if you don't come with me...he will know there was more than kissing you black masked- lawyer friend..." 

Batting her eyes up knowing that he was acting all tough but knowing he truly wasn't like this. "Last time you tried to come for me, Dex...five of your men died in this room" Y/n muttered lowly, causing him to clench his jaw. "So I would be careful for how you rank me inside of your head...because of the Night Wing- not your sidekick...and fuck you- it's not my fault you've never achieved what he has to a woman before..." 

Putting paint away Y/n got ready to leave with Dex coming up with some excuse that Leah was going to believe. That the two of them were going and looking for new paint coats for the bakery. Ever since her comment about his sex life, he had a mood with her the whole time knowing at any moment she could betray him and Fisk. 

When she went into her house and into her room to change; Y/n grabbed her phone and started to give Foggy a call waiting for the man to answer so she was able to tell him a bit of things. Inside her room, she stood staring at the window making sure she wasn't being watched. 

"Y/n?" Foggy sounded confused about why she was calling him. 

"I'm sorry for saying you were lying" Y/n called into the phone, secretly knowing only Foggy would be the one that knew what she was talking about. Foggy didn't say anything on the other end waiting for her to say something that confirmed what he was thinking. "I'm dealing with him," 

"Or turning into him..." were the only words that came from Foggy's mouth. She didn't say anything on the other end as she just silently bit her lip knowing it was better to be silent than to get in trouble. 


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