chapter 8

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As Jolica pulled up to collect me at around 5, I must admit, it felt a little strange. Everything just seemed off-kilter, like the universe had tilted slightly on its axis. And as I slipped into the passenger seat of her car, that feeling only intensified. It was almost like I had forgotten what it was like to sit in a car- the sensation of the seat beneath me, the hum of the engine filling my ears. It was all so weirdly unfamiliar.

"Are you still staying with my brother?", I queried, trying to make conversation and take my mind off the eerie unfamiliarity of everything around me. Jolica's head swiveled towards me, and for a split second, I thought I had said something wrong.

"How do you know that?", she asked in surprise. I cleared my throat awkwardly before replying.

"Arwen told me," I admitted, watching as Jolica swallowed heavily.

"Well...yes- but we can just stay at his place until I move my stuff out," she offered, the nervousness evident in the crooked smile that tugged at the edges of her lips. I decided not to press her for more information but started driving, pushing her nerves aside as we set off towards our destination.

We pulled up to Benny's house, and my eyes widened at the sight of it. The mansion-like structure loomed over us, making my modest house look like a tiny speck in comparison. An array of luxurious cars were parked in the driveway, ranging from sports cars to vintage models. As I stepped out of the car, my wife got out first to set up the walker for me. I could sense her reluctance, but I didn't want to bring it up and risk spoiling the mood.

I settled into my walker, feeling somewhat exposed and vulnerable amidst the opulence surrounding me. As we approached the grand entrance, Benny came out to greet us. He hugged my wife, holding her waist possessively while kissing her cheek. I stood awkwardly to the side, wondering if his affectionate gesture was simply out of politeness, or something else entirely.

I tried to balance myself on my own two feet, struggling to stand tall even with the walker. With trepidation, I stepped in between Benny and my wife, still unsure of what to make of the situation.

As Benny approached with a smug expression on his face, I felt my body tense up in warning. "Benny," my voice carried a warning tone,  My eyes narrowed, and my legs grew harder to balance. I was ready to defend myself against any unwanted advances.

"I was just being nice-" Benny's words were cut off as I suddenly lost my balance and fell into his chest. Embarrassment washed over me as I used the remainder of my strength to fling myself off him. It was a clumsy and awkward moment, and I felt as if all eyes were on me, judging my every move. Benny's smug expression had turned into one of surprise.

I grip back to my walker, why would I do that? Now I just embarrassed myself...

"Don't pretend to be tough," Benny aggressively nudged my shoulder, causing me to stumble. "I was just being nice," He adds, but Jolica's comforting rub on my back did little to alleviate the unease in my gut. Her smile was anything but reassuring; it was the "better luck next time smile" that signaled my defeat.

She stepped into the house first, leaving me to trail behind her.

As I settled on the couch, the boys rushed over to me, wrapping me up in their embrace before scampering off to join Jolica and Benny in the kitchen.

The tantalizing smell of cookies wafted through the house, and the mere sight of him spending time with my family, doing all the things I should have been doing, was enough to nearly drive me to despair. At that moment, I felt as though the car crash had failed to kill me, leaving me trapped in a hellish nightmare from which there would be no escape.

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