chapter 7

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I was surprised when there was another nurse who brought me my breakfast, It wasn't Amanda but another woman.

"Where's Amanda-"

"Ms. Owen" The nurse's eyes narrow as she corrects me, "She's taking a well-deserved day off." Her voice sharp, like the crack of a whip. I nod, but I could feel the tension in the air. I didn't understand why she's so upset, but I knew that I had done something wrong. Guilt gnawed at me as I thought about Jolica and the fact that I cheated on her. I knew I had to tell her, but the words stuck in my throat. As I look as I remember Ms.Owen I realize that it was best if we stopped seeing each other. But even as the thought crossed my mind, I know that I couldn't let her go. The attraction between us is too strong, and I want her too much."

I slowly watch as the nurse leaves the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I know I have to take care of myself, so I grab the walker and make my way to the bathroom. The warm water cascades over my body as I take a shower, washing away the grime and dirt of the hospital. It feels good to be clean again, to feel human again. Suddenly, there is a loud knock on the door, and I jump in surprise. I hear the door creak open, and a woman's voice fills the room." Good morning Wyatt" she says, her voice strong and confident. I wrap a towel around myself and make my way back to the room.

I peek my head from the doorframe and greet Ms. Jennifer with a warm smile, "Good morning!" The sun is just starting to peek through the window, casting a soft glow on the room. I quickly changed into my joggers and a plain white shirt.
Why the hell is she here again? I step out of the bathroom and sat on the bed, Her badget hangs from her hips, causing a jiggle...She sat in the empty seat to my right.

"I see you are making a lot of progress with your legs that's good, do you want to talk about that?" It's funny how she wants to talk about my legs, I smile...
Oh that Amanda...

"She isn't here today, So you don't have to act like you care. You want to talk about 2 weeks ago right?" I say, She lets out a soft smile

"I am worried don't get me wrong, but it's just my job to get answers"

"I understand that" I smile.

As she leans forward, she crosses her legs and sits up attentively, asking, "Have you remembered anything? Even the smallest things could help."

"I was driving late at night, I just came back from visiting my sister in rehab, I visit her every Friday and bring her food and all that." She then asks,

"Does anyone else know this habit you have?"

"My wife she does."

"Jolica Cryer?" She questions, I mean that is the only wife I have, and I nod "And what time do you normally leave?"

"Around 6 pm, but I make it home around 7 since the hospital is far" She nods writing in her notes. "I remember someone following me"

"Did you see the type of car?" She asks

"It was a truck, it was pretty old" I reply.

"Have you ever seen the truck before or recognized the driver?" Her eyes fix on her notes.

"It was dark, I couldn't see anything...But, I think I've seen the truck before"She raises her black eyebrow, her eyes rising up to mine. " I remember seeing it-"

The door opens and it's Jolica...I inhale, I wasn't planning on confessing this soon.

"Wyatt" She smiles trying to make it seem like everything is okay but it's summer. Why is she wearing a turtle neck? She came over kissing my forehead "Whose this?" Hinting to Jennifer.

"My name is Jennifer Sallison, I work as a detective-"

"Oh right, I remember you now" Jolica snap her finger and sat down at the end of the bed. "Why-Why are you talking to Wyatt?"

"I'm trying to see what he's remembered, He's going great so far" Jennifer praises, My stomach knots...I have to tell Jolica about last night, but her eyes lock on Jennifer, She gently squeezes my leg.

"What did you gather so far?" I could tell Jennifer is uncomfortable about Jolica's question.

"Well, We know he was followed in a 'pretty old' truck" She quotes "The attack was between 6-7 pm, And It's someone who's close to the family."

"I-i thought it would be like an accident? Jolica stammers.

"No, we have video footage of a truck and another car in front of them. The car in front of him suddenly came to a stop, causing his car to stop, and the car behind him didn't." Jennifer explains, Seems like she wanted to match my story with the video.

"Who could have- done such a thing? Do you know whose responsible? Do you have any leads?" Jolica overwhelms Jennifer with questions, She adjusts herself in her seat.

"If we did I wouldn't be sitting here." Jennifer spoke "But we do know it's someone very close to the family, Who wanted your husband dead" Jolica's lips tighten as she nods-

Jennifer turns more serious as she addresses Jolica. "Wyatt told us you also know about his day trips to his sister. Mind telling us what were you doing on September 5th from 6 o'clock to 7 o'clock pm?"

"You are implying I tried to kill my husband?" Jolica raises a brow- I quickly grab ahold of her hand

"No one is saying that honey" I reassure her, I glaze at Ms.Jennifer Who didn't reassure her."Right, Ms. Jennier?"  Looking at her for her reassurance

"Right, of course,” Ms. Jennifer finally spoke, standing up. With a sigh, she straightened her outfit and picked up her bag. After a few minutes of watching her leave and silence between, I cleared my throat. “I have to go to PT,” I told her.

“Well, can you pick me up later - around 5 pm?” She looked at me with a smile.

“Yeah, I can do that,” I replied. She kissed my forehead again before leaving the room. I used the walker to walk down the hall to Travis’s room, hoping to find Ms. Owen, his regular nurse. However, it was just another nurse.

I started to do the exercises that Travis had suggested for me while listening to him rant on and on about his cancer and how he had beaten it five times. “I forgot to mention,” he interrupted himself. “Since you are going to be discharged, you'll need an at-home nurse. I have some at-home nurses I suggest.”

“But, I do get to pick, correct?” I asked, and he nodded

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