last day on earth

Start from the beginning

"Front's been quiet since the others left." Abraham added.

Rick's muscles tensed so much, it looked like his seams were about to burst. "What? Who?"

Abraham sighed. "Daryl. He went ICBM after the Saviors from yesterday. Glenn, Michonne, Rosita, they all went to shut that shit down."

"Where's the other car?" Tobin muttered, peering through the gate.

Willow walked up to the gate, peeking through the metal bars. "What car?"

Tobin spun around. "We added two more cars yesterday. One of them's missing, the one we put right between those houses."

Abraham took a look too. "You can barely see between the houses from up top, especially at night."

"The note, can I see it?" Morgan asked Rick, his eyes glued to the paper in his hand.

Rick handed the paper to Morgan as he grilled Abraham and Sasha with more questions. "You never saw any headlights, taillights? She's smart enough to cover her tracks."

Sasha thought for a moment. "She must've left during the shift change."

Willow ran a stressed hand through her hair, all of them watching Morgan trail down the street with the note.

"Where are you going?" Rick called out to him.

"I'm gonna go find her." Morgan called back.

"Wait." Rick said firmly, turning to Willow. "Tell Carl I'll be back soon. No one else leaves. Everyone else stays ready for a fight."

"Rick, no, wait-" Willow pleaded, but he was already jogging to catch up with Morgan, ducking into the passenger seat of his car. Abraham slid the gate open for them and shut it immediately once they were through.

"Make that six." Willow said heavily.


Maggie had Willow on house calls while she took an extra shift on watch. 

She went to each home. Knock on the door. Give them a gun. Be ready to fight.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

She pushed the cart along the street, glancing at the next house. A lump formed in her throat while she looked at the large brick home. She felt a sense of guilt. She had promised Deanna that she would check in and look out for Spencer, but with the events lately, it has slipped her mind.

She went up the back porch steps slowly, rehearsing what she wanted to say, but her mind came up empty. She was already knocking before she could form any coherent sentence.

It didn't take long for him to open the door. It opened slowly, and he stood tall in the frame of it, a glass of a dark liquor in his hand.

"Hey." He said quietly, rocking on his feet.

"Hey Spence." She responded, hardly looking him in the face. "We need to talk about something. Come outside with me?"

He nodded, taking a few steps out before following her down the stairs and to the cart she had been wheeling around.

"What's this about?" He asked, eyeing the pistols and rifles sprawled on the cart.

She put her hands in her pockets with a sigh. "What we thought was ending things with the Saviors... turns out we started something, and they're not going to live it down."

He took a sip from his glass, staring blankly at the guns. "So, we're gearing up for a fight."

She nodded, sifting through the guns before picking up a handgun and a rifle. She held them out to him, and he was hesitant in taking them for a moment, but he set his glass down on one of the steps and took both guns.

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