CYRUS ANDERS (and Cyleigh)

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Is Really good at art ESPECIALLY Painting and drawing (he loves to paint)

Can Sing like a GOD but gets terribly stage fright

Plays so many instruments (i talked about it in a message way back) but his favorites are the Guitar and Ukulele

Is fluent in heaps of languages but can only sing in a few

Can Dance amazingly

Writes his own songs occasionally but gets to shy to show people

Is Super amazing on a skateboard like beyond amazing but not so much the hoverboard

Is a Classy sassy, smartassy kinda guy

Is either Trans masc or a Demiboy  YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND

Has worn a skirt/dress/heels before and slayed

Actually is super strong and works out He just isn't buff more lean muscles

Has abs change my mind oh wait YOU CAN'T

Is actually really good at making clothes/Sewing/knitting/crochet

Can style clothes like a BOSS

learnt how to do hair so birdie could go to school and get on with her friends and not stand out like he did

Made Birdies dress/did her makeup for her last year of primary school dance (she slayed) 

Is the Mum friend

Writes poems on the weekends

Can cook really well but prefers baking


Loves to listen to classical when studying

Shared a Room with Birdie while living in DC

when they where little Birdie use to climb into Cyrus's bed and cuddle him if she got scared during the night (Thunderstorm, Nightmare etc etc) and He would always stroke her hair and sing to her until she fell asleep he'd usually stay up after just incase she got scared

Has framed photos of everyone he loves in his room and office

Has a pinboard

Enjoys making his own jewelry


Used to be a REALLY trusting person but some shit went down at his primary school and he became less trusting then everything with Casey and Dr Whittier happened and now he has IMMENSE trust issues

He is Pansexual, Demisexual and Panromantic 

His dad is Spanish yet he has zero tan because he spends all his time inside

Tries his best to be kind and friends with everyone but usually just gets hurt

Has terrible nightmares and had them way before Holiday arrived

Loves giving Gifts to people

Loves giving forehead and Full face kisses

Loves his parents and unlike most kids his age/growing up he always found it cute when they showed affection to each other

Was called a Mumma's Boy by his family members until they saw him with James and now half off them a confused as to which he prefers JOKES ON THEM he doesn't prefer one over the other

Secretly related to Adams feeling on destroying the world but felt to Guilty and ashamed to say

Felt Bad for Magnus the whole time (SHUT UP I HEADCANNON THIS)

Befriended Cam when he was working on all her clones and they're now besties

Listens to Cavetown, Melanie Martinez, Alec Benjamin, Artic Monkeys and Taylor Swift (and more but these are his favs)


Brynleigh holds Cyrus's hand while he paints and so one hand is always covered in paint while his other hand is pristine

Cyrus writes songs about Brynleigh and once sang one to her on valentines day (Brynleigh cried she was so happy then she got pissed her makeup was ruined then she cried again because he said she didn't need it)

Brynleigh found Cyrus song/poem journal and is now obsessed with it (and keeps telling him to perform them so he can open for Taylor swift and get her free tickets)

Brynleigh Loves Cyrus's voice (when he talks and when he sings) and when he sings she likes to harmonize with him

Cyrus loves kissing Brynleigh's face all over to which she retaliates by kissing a single spot over and over again because it's his weak spot (THIS WAS MADE WITH 2amandrain13)

Cyrus has kissed Brynleigh's face all over during a live stream not realizing she was on live

Cyrus has taken Brynleigh dancing and she almost died because "You Don't understand how hot you look when you dance Sinus"

Brynleigh loves hearing him talk in different languages especially French and Spanish because he grew up speaking those (she finds his accented voice sexy)  

Cyrus is Brynleighs Chair

Brynleigh likes playing with Cyrus's hair

Cyrus and Brynleigh gossip all the time while he braids her hair

Brynleigh likes Cyrus's abs and as an excuse to see them always says 'Lets go swimming' on warm days

Cyrus got abs because they did the cliché 'Pushups with partner on back' thing and brynleigh finds it funny

Brynleigh and Cyrus love dancing in the rain in they're best dress (FEARLESSSS)

Brynleigh is Cyrus go to person to call when he has a nightmare of is feeling down because she makes him feel all special

Cyrus loves showering Brynleigh with compliments

Despite what people think Brynleigh's love language is actually Quality Time (because she prefers to know people aren't leaving her) and Cyrus's is Quality Time and Gift Giving it works for them (the gifts aren't always like jewelry or flowers it's more often poems, songs or pictures)

Cyrus never got/gets over Brynleigh

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