The Human Equivalent Of Infuriating

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Jennie's POV

Over the next 2 months, my scenes with Jisoo were subjected to verbal sparring off-screen and weightlifting on screen.

Off-screen our fights usually went like this:

"How was your day?"

Jisoo shrugs her shoulders. "I've had better." She pointedly didn't look at me, staring somewhere past my ear.

I sigh. "Jisoo. Don't you think we can ever be amicable?"

Jisoo raises an eyebrow. "You know higher vocabulary?"

I widen my eyes. "Did you just indirectly call me stupid?"

Jisoo shrugs again. "I mean...most pop stars don't go to college. Did you?"

I tighten my jaw. "I did. I did go to college."

Jisoo laughs. "What did you do? Music?"

I cross my arms over my chest. "I pursued a degree in communication and business so that I can handle my own work." But even that didn't help.

Jisoo nods. "Respect your hard work. Just not you."

"Can I know why or are you just planning to hate me for the next seven generations?"

Her phone rings and she finally looks at me with a devilish smile. "I think hating you for the next seven generations has a nice ring to it."

She walks away from me and starts talking on the phone.

I imagine her neck in front of me and I was choking her to let out all my pent up anger.

I ball my hands into fists in fury as these small, tiny fights continue.

Over and over again, it's the same damn thing.

And my character was subjected to it as well.

In the script, Miranda has Tracy circle and jump everywhere on errands.

So we had to show multiple times of me running to malls, grocery stores, makeup stores, etc.

And I know I'm a pop star and I have stamina,

But not for running! Never for running!

And I had to start carrying additional files for her everywhere in this huge box.

And the show wanted it to look authentic so I was actually hauling ass in every scene.

When I tried to ask if it could be lighter, I got into another fight with Jisoo.

"Are you complaining?"

I spun my head to her. "Why do you care? It's none of your business."

She shrugged. "You're taking all of this too lightly. Don't you have nothing better to do than work out and write songs? Can't you hold a box for 10 minutes?"

I smiled and picked it up. I brought it over to her and said, "You try holding it for 10 minutes."

She smirked and held it.

She irritatingly held it there while I put a timer on my phone.

She just whistled and smiled throughout the whole thing, glancing around the room.

Once the timer rang, she dropped it to the ground and cracked her knuckles. She smirked. "Don't test me."

Then she walked off.

Jisoo's POV


I haven't worked out in AGES! That box is going to make my arms so sore!

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