She accepts the tray of food the air hostess hands her like the poor mutt she is. "Thank you, master," she groans. Her snippy joke is wasted on her but it's not lost on the guy sitting next to her. He cackles and shakes his head. "If it looks like a bitch and sounds like it's a bitch - it shall be my friend. I am Louis," Louis says stretching out his hand to her. "Lux," Lux says shaking his hand. Now, Lux does not like people, it takes her a while to warm up to anyone and usually she will find a reason to hate them. She also hates all men, one in particular. But, she likes Louis. It could be his sweet smile or the fact he is the first man that hasn't come onto her in the first ten seconds of meeting.

"You traveling alone, Louis?"

"I am."

"Only drug mules do that."

"You shot yourself in the foot with that comment, didn't ya?" Louis says taking one of her drinks.

"Fair enough. I am going to a wedding."

"Alone? That's depressing."

"Fuck you, Louis. What are you traveling for?"




"Well, that's depressing."

"Fuck you, Lux," Louis says flagging down the air hostess and ordering another drink for himself and Lux. She likes him, he can stay.

The curtain opens again and Lux tries not to look, but who is she kidding? Her eyes flick to the open doorway straight away. Everyone is still crowded around the bar or more so Austin specifically while his wife hangs on him. She snorts to herself - there ain't nothing more pathetic that a woman who insists on going on a boy's trip. She is the only woman there and by the way Austin seems to be leaning away from her and then sighs and frowns slightly at her when she tries to draw his attention back to her while Dre is trying to talk to him makes her think that he may just regret walking down the aisle two fucking months after their bust-up. Serves him fucking right, she hopes he is miserable. She watches him throw his head back and laugh at whatever Harry said to him and Lux groans - his fucking laugh used to get her hot and heavy now it sits on her Z list.

"What's going on there?" Louis leans over and looks through the opening. "Just first class," Lux mumbles.

"That's not what I meant. I will elaborate. Why are you starting at that man...that very very nice-looking man like he is the one that got away?"

"He is not that good-looking. Average at best."

"He looks like angles sculpted his face. Like the gods came down dug sapphires out of the earth, blessed them, and then put them in his eyes."

"Fuck me."

"I am sure you wish he would."

"Fucking never."

"It's like the sun woke up one morning and said - hey, here have some of my sunshine and wear it as a smile. His arms and hands look like they were sculpted by Greek gods - perfection."


"And his hair...I don't think I have ever seen a man who can pull off a mullet - his is...well...magical."

"You want to have a moment alone in the bathroom? Wack one out quick?"

"I do."

The curtain closes again and Lux releases the breath that she did not know she was holding. Fuck. And fuck Louis too.

"You lonely, Louis?"

"No, just single. Very single."

"Well, you are in luck - I am single too."

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