The casino

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Hello I am [REDACTED] with Lucky Land Casino in [REDACTED] and I see you want to enter our gorgeous and competitive house of luxury. Let it be aware that if you don't read this manual you are putting yourself in extreme risk for death or worse. Please be advised to have fun and be lucky!

1. When entering make sure the employees bow to you. If they don't, don't acknowledge them. Just keep facing forward.

2. If you come with a friend, do not lose sight of them. This place is quite extravagant and large.

3. Only answer to the employees that have name tags. If they don't have name tags, they don't work here.

4. You may speak to the worker named "Claire" but do not accept to play her game. Unless your into Russian roulette. But even if you jokingly accept, you'll be transported to her dimension anyways. Do not accept.

5. If the lights go out then hide under the eight ball table. They usually don't search under there.

6. If you see a game that doesn't have any lights on or around it do not play. It doesn't belong to the casino and we don't know where it takes everyone, but once their gone we cannot find them.

7. Do not gamble more money then you have. We know if you can pay it off or not.

8. You may watch the fish but not for more then ten minutes at a time. The fish will get cranky.

9. You may only enter if you are twenty one. We will know if you are twenty one. If you try to enter while you are under twenty one, you will not return.

10. You may converse with the tall woman with a sun hat and pearls. If you entertain her well enough, she may keep you safe in the near future.

11. If the servers with drinks come to you and the drinks appear out of the ordinary, refuse them. Or if the employee does not have a name tag. Ignore all employees without name tags and report them to us immediately.

12. We will not hesitate to kick you out if you become a threat to yourself or other guest. Behave accordingly please.

13. Never wonder into vip rooms or rooms with numbers. They will not contain anything you need and you won't like what you see.

14. Once you reach the part of the casino where the lights start to dim, turn back. That is not your part of the casino.

15. If piano music starts playing through the speakers then you must dance, the vip guest are coming.

16. Do not accept food or drinks from strangers.

17. You will only get lucky once in this casino. Once you win you will get a sum of 1.7 million. Once you get this sum, leave immediately.

18. When leaving bow to the employees. They should bow back. If not gouge out your eyeballs, you did not appease them.

We hope to see you here at our Lucky Land Casino sometime soon! Stop by always, we love new guest...

Yours truly ~[REDACTED]

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