Staying up late

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Oh so I see you want to stay up late. Good for you, just know your in for a treat.

I assume your staying up late either a. Because you can't sleep or b. You have stuff to do. Regardless it's wise to follow these rules as they will insure your tactful survival

Also a side note: there are many times throughout the night that will allow you to return and sleep safely. I highly recommend returning the first chance you can

1. Grab the following items before 11.00 p.m.- salt, snacks, a flashlight with spare batteries, a blanket, earbuds, and something to play music with. A sharp object would also be well advised. Also make sure to close any and all blinds and curtains before 9:00. It's very important you do this before 9:00 because you cannot do it any time after.

2. Surround yourself in a circle of salt. You must stay there until 7:30 in the morning, or until you have a chance to return to your space of sleeping

3. At 11.00 p.m. sharp is when you may no longer leave the circle of salt unless another rule specifies otherwise. They can sense you and will track you if you leave.

4. At 12.32 a.m. the noises will begin. Ignore them, they are not worth investigating

5. At this point you may start to feel your eyes close but believe me it's very ill advised to do so right now

6. Between 1:25-1:55 a.m. your parents may come down the stairs. If it's father he may be a little upset that you have stayed up so late but at this point it's advised you go with him upstairs, especially if you are tired. If it is mother, refer to rule 6.a

6.a. If mother comes down the stairs, pretend you are napping. Mother is rather cranky at this time and will not spare you if she sees you awake. At this time however,you are safe from any other entities

7. The walls may start to drip blood at 2:22. Ignore this. Ignore the screams outside of the window. Do not even look out the window if the curtains are open. It can and will try to lure you out

8. At 3:21 there will be aggressive pounding on the door, that is just Mr. Barnam. At this time pretend you are asleep and mother and father both will come down and handle Mr. Barnam accordingly. At this time you may pretend that your parents accidentally woke you up and you may go back upstairs with them. I would highly highly advise this as things are about to get much worse

9. At 3:33 there will be screaming and moaning coming from all over the house. It's best to put in your earbuds and pray that the salt is still white. If at this point in time it has changed colors refer to rule 9.a.

9.a. Run to the bathroom and lock yourself in there. Turn on the lights, they hate that. Do not look in the mirror, if you can't resist then smash it. Smash it as much as you can

10. Your a brave little soul I must admit. There is an interval between 4:25-4:45 where your sibling will come down for a snack and chill with you for a bit. You may not return to your place of rest at this time, but you may wonder the downstairs area during this period of time. I would advise you replenish your salt, charge phone, and maybe even prepare holy water.

11. At 5:11 there is a gray figure that will come down the stairs. Do not pay it any mind it is not there to harm you. At 5:16 it will return up the stairs however it has left some stuff behind. The figure will return late for his things.

12. The pounding on the windows, doors, walls, and everything becomes incredibly loud. Put on your headphones/put in your earbuds. They want you to cave in, but you mustn't. This is very crucial

13. You are almost there congrats. During the time of 5:55 a pet will come down the stairs. Once it goes back up you may return with it. This is also highly advised because the creature will try a last minute attempt to get you.

14. During the time of 6:05 the creature will cause you to hallucinate. That is not your mom. That is not your dad. That is not your sibling. That is not your dead grandma. That is certainly not an angel.

15. At 6:56 the gray figure will return again but this time for four minutes instead of 5. As long as you did not touch his stuff, her will reward you. You may only check after 7:31.

16. It is currently 7 and you see the sky start to turn lighter but it is not time yet. The noises may start to decrease, that is a good sign. But you still may not move, they are still watching

17. At 7:25 your mother may come downstairs. THAT IS NOT HER REFER TO RULE 9.A.

18. Congrats you made it to 7:30! Here are specific clean up instructions. (You don't want your parents to know you were awake.)

18.1: clean all salt. If the salt turned black, put it in a bowl and leave it on Mr. Barnams doorstep. This calms him

18.2 put snacks away in the exact spot you saw them

18.3 at this time it is 7:31, do not let mother see your little present from the figure. She will confiscate it. Instead grab your blanket and the rest of your items along with your prize and return to your bedroom

19. The figure left you a sugary delight! Cereal. If he gave you Cocoa Puffs, Fruit loops, or Fruity Pebbles it means your performance was good. If it was not one of those cereals refer to rule 19.a

19.a. The figure either left oats, Raisin Bran, or plain Cheerios. It means that the other entities did not like your performance. The gray figure just wants to keep you safe so regardless of the cereal, eat it.

As you can probably tell staying up past your bedtime is not a good option, even on the weekend. I hope you heed my words wisely and I bid you a farewell for now

Yours truly ~[REDACTED]

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