Welcome to school

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So it's the time for me to introduce you to your school's rules. Unfortunately we are still investigating the anomalies that lay in this school. I do have to warn you this is quite a long list as this school is... special. I however will be there at least most days as well as another acquaintance whom I will talk about later. I advise you always carry something sharp in your hand. Bring holy water. Bring a watch, your phone is too unreliable. And always for the love of everything, treat the staff with respect. They are only there to help.

1. When you first get in the building all clocks should say 8:12. Any other time and you must walk out the building and try again.

2. There is a short period to roam freely without consequence. This is between 8:12-8:25 however we advise you start heading to your classroom by 8:20. You are not safe after 8:25 in the halls.

3. This does not just apply to first period, but if you walk and see that a class is full of people but they do not have a face, simply close the door, wait 15 seconds, and open again. Repeat until faces appear.

4. In first period anomalies and anomalous events are at a minimum, use this to your advantage and use the restroom while you can.

5. For some reason no anomalous events can happen during second period. It would be best advised to roam if you want a break during this time.

6. In third period the person to your right will always have their earbuds in. They are smart and can help you with any questions you may have, not about the rules but at least academically. I would try not to bother then more then 4 times if they have their earbuds in, as this can cause them to become hostile.

7. Passing periods may seem like the perfect time to roam but you do not have as much free time as you think you do. Get to class as soon as possible.

8. If during passing period you start to walk down a hall with faceless students, turn around and take a different route to that class.

9. Your fourth period teacher is extra picky about phones. If they see even the outline of one in your pocket, they will become hostile. During fourth period you will also have lunch. There will be a whole separate rules page for lunch.

10. If you've followed all rules correctly at this point, your 5th period should be a breeze and time will seem to fly by, because it does.

11. If at any point in the day you go down a hall and it has no lights, turn around, that is not your part of the building.

12. If you see a couple smooching it up in the halls, report it to the teacher, they will handle it accordingly, and it's just gross.

14. If your 6th period even feels slightly warmer or slightly colder then it normally would then you are in a different dimension. Walk out of the door and close it. Wait 15 seconds then walk back in, everything should be back to normal.

15. If you see a faceless student do the same thing you did but other students still have their faces then don't mind the faceless student. They are just trying to get back to their world.

16. During 7th period your teacher may turn off the lights claiming that "they have a headache". This is not true. Turn the lights on as soon as they turn around and stab them with the pencil that you should have in your hand. Face or neck would be most advised. If the lights go out temporarily that is a good sign, if they don't go into the nearest bathroom with it's lights on. Smash all the mirrors, then return to the classroom. Everything should be normal.

17. You should not have an 8th period. But if you do I'm sorry. We have a whole other set of rules for you. However if you have more then 8 that was a mistake made by the counselor and will be fixed immediately.

18. There are certain anomalous events that can happen. The lights colors usually indicate what's happening. (Note that our lights are usually a fluorescent white.)

18.1: Red will indicate that we have the inspector visiting. It will not matter how clean the school is. He will always say or do one of four things.

18.1.A: "The school is cleaned enough" means immunity for one day from anomalous happenings.

18.1.B: "The school is decently cleaned." Means immunity for three days.

18.1.C: if he just smiled the school has immunity for a week.

18.1.D: if he frowns, there is no immunity.

18.2: Orange means Mr. Spades is visiting. Mr Spades is kind as he offers children sweets, money, little trinkets, and immunity while he is there. Never be mean to Mr. Spades.

18.3: Yellow indicates that it is coming. Get in a classroom or hide in a bathroom stall where it cannot see your feet.

18.4: In the events that the lights turn green, run to me or a student with the nick name 'A1kk0-157' Please when I say run, run.

18.5 if the lights are blue immediately look around you. If nothing has changed then simply go back to whatever you were doing. However if everyone's faces are now blank you must exit the room as quickly as humanly possible. The faceless entities are now hostile.

18.6 If the lights turn purple, go to sleep as quickly as you can, you will get transported back to reality

18.7 if the lights turn gray or dim then do not do anything. These events do not concern you.

19. Do not eat anything left behind by other students.

20. Be nice to our staff, most of the time they just want to protect you.

21. I almost forgot to mention but I would try as best as you can to not get detention. It will never end well, and you may only get released after 4 days of staying there.

22. Never join an after school club, those are not for you.

Phew this is a long one. Think you can handle it? I would honestly just pretend I was sick if I was you. Your better off that way anyways.

Yours truly ~[REDACTED]

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