56• Captured

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Friday, April 7th.
Good Friday.
  Warning... Violence and abuse ahead.


Third person narration.

There is nothing good about this Friday.

Béyu woke up from a nightmare with sweat clinging on her clothes and it also soaked into the sheets.

Maybe it was the fact that Zyair had to rush to Kingston for an urgent matter regarding his business.

She followed her intuition and sent Ameer away to stay with Zuri for the first time ever. Praying as she does so.

She kissed his chubby cheeks, hears his cooing and smell his sweet scent as if it was the last. She even  cried a bit.

Zuri told her they had arrived to Andre's home so she went to do some gardening in the backyard when Miss Candis called her phone crying.

She told Béyu to fight for her life and she didn't know what that meant until she was grabbed from behind with something covering her mouth and nose.

She stopped her breath but it was too later, she became unconscious from the strong smell and the lack of air.

She doesn't know how they got in when so much security was posted around the house and even the community but she bet they didn't make it.

She woke up with blood on her feet and splashes all over her body.

Laid up in a corner with nothing but her brasserie and pantie on. She was clear of all jewelry and her hair braid undo and in her face which she hasn't done.

Her throat was dry, needing water as much as her lips needs moisture.

Her joints ached just as her head and eyes. Feeling as if she had been asleep for days. The sensation on her arm felt as if she has being injected and that might have been the case.

The noises her stomach makes tells it all, she was hungry. Really hungry.

Unfortunately, she couldn't move as her hands and feet were bound by zip ties. Unable to swallow with the feeling of her throat hurting, something was around it. She reached up and felt a collar, knowing this is definitely not a dream and the things she read about has became her reality.

She wanted to cry or scream but felt it was better to save her energy for what's to come. Her baby was safe and Andrew will die whether before or after her own death. His fate was sealed.

Two things she forgot to do was tell her family she loves them but that was something they already knew. Next was giving her life to Christ when she could, but felt that it was never too late. She sensed death.

All she could do was pray.

All the room has was an iron table in the centre and cameras in one corner with one door to the other end of the room.

She waited, pray and repeat. Slowly relaxing her muscles and listened.

Her first time on a boat was on her trip to Chukka, the same feeling she has now and knew she wasn't on land. She has left the island where everyone she loved was.

Five hours in, the door opens up to reveal the bastard.

She couldn't help but pictures herself or even Zyair killing him.

She never thought she would be in this position but one thing for certain, she swore on her life that she's leaving this situation alive.

"Look whose quiet." He mused with the same grimace on his face from the first time she saw him. "We're almost at our destination and my condolences to your guards. They have rest in pieces."

Béyu says nothing but blinked at him. She was saving her tears when she needed them most.

"I've got so much planned for you. Uh Andria?"

Her brows furrowed with confusion. Was this his victim's name he's giving her.

"I don't like to be ignored, Andria." He gritted his teeth and glare down at her as he walks closer. "Fucking answer me."

Béyu says nothing and held a black expression that only pisses him off more.

That's until he forcefully pulled her hair up by the scalp causing her to hiss and a second later his hand connected with her face.

She heard the sound echoing in her ears before she felt the pain. Her head painfully slammed into the wall when it was smacked to the side even.

She refused to cry, but she trembled with fear and kept her eyes shut. The swelling has begun.

"When I ask you a question, I need you to answer and respectfully. No wonder your father left you. You're disobedient." He gritted out, dropping her in a heap on the spot when he releases her hair.

She surely wasn't Andria and he never asked a question.

"You thought you could get away from me." He chuckled. "Each time your breath leaves your body my heart knows exactly where your find your reincarnated body. An to think that all I had to do was have sex with you after death."

'Necrophilia.' Was her exact thought. A sick muthafucker.

"You'll reappear in my life but never without a fucking man on your arm! You never fucking change! You know we're soulmates and you just have to whore yourself about. You make me sick. You're a disgrace and this time you went and get a fucking kid!"

He returned and slapped her again and again.

Yet the feeling of content never came as she didn't cry out like the rest.

Her face was stinging so much that it numbed her bleeding lips.

"Tough bitch. I'll have you weak and begging before the new week begins. I have so much plans for you." Was the last thing he said then left.

That's when she finally cried, only softly.
Andrew didn't return, but he had someone came in leaving food and water that she finished in no time.

The bad thing about it was the water was drugged and she became numb all over. Losing motion as someone carries her out. She even tries screaming but even her tongue felt heavy. Almost like sleep paralysis in some way.

Her head covered with a cloth bag but she used her senses.

They are leaving the boat. The footsteps made it known and so for the water washing up underneath the dock.

The noises in the distance was a dead giveaway. She wasn't far from Jamaica but above it in Cuba.

She knew he was hiding. His family was searching for her. She had hope. One thing she prayed not to lose as much as faith.

They entered a vehicle and the drive took a good two hours before it came to a stop. Somewhere where the small of the forest was the strongest. Rain has fallen here not long ago. Birds were noisy.

A gate opening, the nine digit code on a keypad made it sound before the metal door opens. The smell of a old place that hasn't gotten cleaned or had much ventilation for a while.

She felt nothing but silence afterwards. The room if it was even one. She realized that he has began his torture in full effect. Sensory deprivation.

She didn't know how long she spent in the cold dark room but she felt nothing but a table in the corner where she layed on. Her mind replacing the good memories to keep her company.

Like reading a book without voicing the words, she found peace until that day turns to two then three.

Maybe being a mother saved her from going insane. She slept, enjoying the silence leading her to the dream realm where it took her places.

All she had gotten was two bottle water and four cold tuna sandwiches. The bottles she pulled herself and was revealed that it wasn't drugged.

She later found out that the four tuna sandwiches was meant to serve throughout the four days in isolation.

They didn't feel her enough because she's here to die. Makes sense. - It was something she had heard the guard say.

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