35• Business not a commonality

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Sunday, 28th. 10:00Am.
Ruth and I stayed at a hotel last night. Even though I was tired from the traveling from Kingston then the whole ordeal I'm the evening, I was up and about enjoying the exclusivity of my money well spent.

This morning I had to be up getting ready to meet the lawyer at his office.

I got there even before the laser but I was awaiting my brother, since mami thought he should be here. Then to my surprise, they both showed up with the lawyer did with his assistant to bear witness.

Mister Henry was cleaning up a bit but he was listening in to our conversation just to hear what I wanted not just for him, but for mami.

"I want someone to make an audit of a spouse that is commiting not just an adulterous act but using the marital assets to fund his affair." Informed them, since Keyno thinks I'm wasting there time.

"What?" Both he and Mami asked with disbelief.

I opened the envelope and removed the phone that I got printed in Kingston. Putting it before them on the rectangular table we are seated around.

"Fada Gad!" Mami voice shook, holding her mouth.

But a suh mih one wicked fih wah gimmie own mada heat attract.

Even Keyno seems shocked but more angry than I was.

"Weh yuh get it?" He asked me.

"Mih tek it." I informed him.

They looked at me with disbelief, so I told them all that happened in Kingston with Zyair and his mother's antics.

Nuh everything, just how the situation starts.

"Why would she be doing this to her friend?" Mister Henry enquired as he came over and saw the pictures too.

"My guess is that she haven't thought about it, more like wanting me to leave her son or show me something she can use as blackmail to ruin what she thought could end it for my parents and my family."

"And this picture. What are these places?" He shows me.

"Those are the businesses belonging to both his side piece and their product." I explained then took out another document. "Now this is what I could gather with the help from a friend. It proves that he might have started his adulterous act before he got Mami pregnant with me. A year and a couple months. Their product is famous on social media and had us know that the first business is a gift from her father. A man who's only occupation is being a soldier. The way I came to find out from Grandma, is that mami's money came from her father and godparents inheritance that she was able to afford to do real estate and fund the few supermarkets he rented out to the Chinese in Montego and here in Sav. With all the starter money belonging to her for the funds but also due to their marriage, how do I or she take it all back?"

Going back and forth with all the questions and calming Mami, she finally spoke.

"Get the paperwork ready to serve him with a divorce annulment."

Both Keyno and I agreed to be by her side.

Then Mister Henry called a friend of his who is a judge who provided us with some answers.

"The non-working spouse is entitled to receive alimony payments from their ex-spouse and can aquire up to fifty percent of his property. With proof that he doesn't want her working. Before that, it's expected to explain both their source of income."

Mami still duh har likkle cosmetology.

"Your father and the outside family is to be served beforehand of the divorce so your mom can settle with all the business, properties and finances at first.  Any recent changes will also be investigated when or if he gets curious about the money they both handle in that marriage. The investigation done towards them is through legal actions to see and prove if or that the spouse used the marital assets to fund the affair. After that is done the judge of that case will decide otherwise."

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