Dick's concern was right in its place. But at least it was Jason who was getting inked, by a baby bird, but yeah, it's bad either way. He didn't need Roy encouraging dangerous behaviour. He was somewhere between glad and worried that Roy was coming to Gotham soon, it meant one of two things, he'll stay in Gotham which won't sit well with Bruce, or Roy, Jason and Harper would leave Gotham and leave no forwarding address.

"So, since when do we own a tattoo gun?" Dick held the gun out of the reach of Harper's wiggling arms.

"We do not own anything," Damian said before kissing Harper's cheek, "just one more baby, you have two very small but very cute little feet, we want both."

"I got it from amazon," Jason shrugged to keep himself from cooing at Damian's' version of baby talk.

"Yeah, but like when? Why? What is going on?"

"Dickie boy, I told you, Damian is going to tattoo the queen's footprints on Jaybird's chest, and then he's going to fix one of my tattoos," Roy repeated. "He's working on designs and he'll give me a week after I arrive to Gotham to decide on one!"

"When did Damian learn to tattoo?" Dick asked as calmly as he could.

"When I was four," Damian said nonchalantly as he gently pressed Harper's other foot on the ink film, "good baby!"

"Yeah, it was an ancient Tibetan practice, but a few years ago I got- I mean he got the whole modern practice kit for his birthday, or so he says," Jason hid his face behind Harper's head.

"Uhuh," Dick took a deep breath, "do I need to explain how dangerous, irresponsible and illegal this is?"

Jason being the one who got the kit for Damian did not go unnoticed by Dick but he didn't say anything.

"Jaybird's legally dead and the kid's actually good, so shut up." Roy said.

When Roy comes, no one would be able to get a word in, because Jason's favourite archer would have the final say. Roy is Jason's best friend. Roy is the one who saves Jason every time. Roy is the reason Jason is alive. Roy is the one who got a baby named after him. Roy is said baby's legal guardian in the events of Jason's untimely demise.

"Jay, come on, I'm sure you can get someone else to-"

"He promised me!" Damian snapped and pouted a little.

Dick had to admit, that sometimes he forgot how young Damian really was until his little brother acted his age.

"I did, it was a compromise. He does mine and he doesn't get one. If someone else does mine, I sit on you while he gets a tattoo himself." Jason smiled awkwardly, "it's a win, Dick, take it. Besides I trust him."

"The print taken the day of the birth isn't clear enough to be tattooed even though it would've been the best option," Damian kissed Harper's cheeks again, "but it's okay, she's perfect."

"Hehh," Harper kicked her feet happy.

"You are," Damian told her as he gently wiped the ink off her feet, "you are perfection!"

"Right," Dick knew what a lost battle looked like, so he couldn't do anything but accept the compromise.

"I knew you'd understand."

"I don't need you encouraging this Roy."

"Ohhhh," Harper turned towards the screen and Jason froze a bit, it was the first time she sorts of associated a sound with a person other than him or Tim, god!

Tim, she called him Da and they decided to ignore it and Jason hadn't had a second to himself to think about it or talk to Tim about it. Tim was actively avoiding being alone with Jason and Harper or even just Jason. Jason needed to talk to Roy about it. He had to, it has to mean something right?

Harper Isabel ToddHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin