Chapter 20

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AN: I'm so sorry this took so long !! I hope you like it! Vote comment recommend!

Flashback years ago, Infinity Island

It was a warm November night on Infinity Island, Talia Al Ghul was watching over her son, peacefully sleeping in his too big of a bed. If only her beloved would see the world as she does, if Damian is a testimony of anything, it's of how perfect Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne would be together.

Alas, Batman does not condone killing, Batman fights for the innocent, Batman picks up orphan after orphan and fights the night as the Caped Crusader seeking Vengeance and Justice.

Speaking of the orphans Batman sheltered, one of them died not too long ago ... a tragic thing ... but if there is one more thing the detective and the demon's daughter do not have in common is the ear to the ground and reliance on gossip and rumors.

A boy, nearly 16, fighting with the prowess of the deceased boy wonder, is wandering the street of the cesspool known as Gotham City. Talia had received more than one confirmation, but she's nothing if not thorough in her investigation, something she learned from the Dark Knight himself, "verify the facts yourself," he'd say.

If only he'd looked into her miscarriage with more depth... but then again, him living in the bliss of ignorance would serve a greater purpose when the time comes.

"Sleep well my prince," Talia whispered, "you will take over the world one day."

"Lady Talia," the assassin bowed his head.

"What news do you bring me?" Talia said without looking away from the bed.

"We found him, my lady... the boy."

"Are you certain it is him this time or are you just wasting my time?"

"We're as sure as we can be, we managed to take a picture this time," the assassin didn't dare cross the threshold of the prince's room to show her the evidence.

"It is him, Talia," Ubu spoke from the door, only him would dare to address her with such little formality, "go, I will protect the heir."

"-tt-" Talia bent down and kissed the toddler's forehead, "sleep well my prince, I'm off to bring your brother home."

Weeks later

"Who are you?" Damian demanded but was met with no answer yet again.

"You are not supposed to be here, little prince," Ubu spoke from behind Damian, who didn't jump in surprise for the first time since they began his training, "you're improving."

"-tt- of course I am, who is he?" Damian didn't bother turning to face his grandfather's right hand man, still fascinated by the boy in the chair who had the emptiest look Damian had ever seen in a person.

"It's not my place to answer this question, you however... are late for your training, come along now."

"-tt- why does he not answer when I commend him to speak? Is he not aware of whom I am?"

"Maybe ... he simply does not care," Ubu said taking great joy in Damian's arrogant little offended noises, "come along now, we mustn't keep your teacher waiting, she is not known for her patience."

Months later

"Mother," Damian poked his head from under his silk sheets.

"Yes my prince," Talia smiled softly.

"Who is he?"

"Who are you talking about?" Talia had noticed Damian's interest in Jason no matter how hard Damian tried to act indifferent.

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