Chapter 15

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Jason's safe-house, June 30th

"So our plan could work. I'm not going to lie, it'd be easier if you were here," Stephanie kept glancing back to make sure Jason was out of sight.

"I know, but I need constant reports and updates for the moment, I'm in rehab, so it's all on you, hey Jaybird you finished restocking the diapers?"

"Listen, we all want you here, I know you and I should've met YEARS ago, but rehab is important," Stephanie changed the subject since Jason was back; "I wish my mom had stuck with rehab properly."

"I know, but seeing you lot with her, it's just making me want to jump out the screen and make sure she likes me best," Roy admitted with a grin on his face, Stephanie Brown the queen of smoothly changing the subject.

"You're going to love Uncle Roy right?" Stephanie asked Harper who blinked and continued eating, "I think formula is her favorite thing at the moment."

"Anyway, back to the story of you and Timbo, you were working the case of your dad and the bat had no idea yet, 'cause he's a loser," Roy reminded her where she supposedly paused, "he took your mask or something."

"Shouldn't you go on patrol?" Jason asked Stephanie.

"Jaybird, she's the only normal bat, please leave her alone, do go on," Roy urged her.

"They have it covered and Cass is out of town so someone has to be here. So, as I was saying, I hit him in the face with a brick, I mean you take a girl's mask off, what do you expect? Right?" Stephanie asked Harper as she wiped her mouth and took the bottle away.


"See, she agrees with me, but anyway, I also slapped Bruce once-"

"You are my hero," Roy wiped a nonexistent tear, "but why? Other than he most certainly deserved it!"

"It was during my training, he was being a bitch, yeah baby he was," Stephanie kissed Harper and held her to her shoulder, "so you know, I bitch-slapped his ass."

"Why does no one talk about this? Girl you are so underrated," Roy sighed.

"I know," Stephanie sighed too as she gently patted Harper's back.

"How's the queen doing?"

"She just needs to burp, am I doing it right?" Stephanie asked Jason.

"Yeah, you're a natural," Jason said and instantly regretted it when Stephanie's eyes welled in tears and she hid her face in Harper's neck. Roy must have noticed something was wrong.

"So I should get going, I have a session to get to, I'll talk to you crazy kids later."

"Bye Roy," Jason said and turned off the computer.


"Shit, I think she spit up a bit," Jason started cleaning Stephanie's hair.

"It's okay, I don't mind," Stephanie's voice was a bit choked, "you're okay Harper?"

"Haaa," she sighed happily.

"Here, let me take her and you can wash up-"

"No, no, I seriously don't mind, just let me keep her for a bit?" Stephanie tried her best not to cry, "Please?"

"Of course, do you want some food?"

"PB&J please," Stephanie sniffled, she put her feet on the table and held Harper in front of her supporting her on her legs, "you're so cute Harper. I love you."

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