Chapter 4

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Jason's safe-house, May 1st, around noon

"Tim is always late, it's seriously not healthy," Jason told Harper, "you get to hang out with Alfred, you're lucky."


Jason checked the security and opened the door for Alfred and Tim.

"Sorry we're late, but patrol last night was crazy," Tim came in after Alfred, he was wearing one of the suits he wore to appear older in front of the idiots he met as CEO of Wayne Enterprises, "and I haven't had enough coffee yet, please tell me you've made a pot."

"Sure," Jason turned to the machine.

"Hello Harper," Alfred picked her up, "how was your first night?"

"Eh, eh," Harper said.

"Master Jason-"

"Don't call me that here," Jason snapped then quickly added, "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry my boy," Alfred smiled as he rocked the baby in his arms, "what's on your mind?"

"How do you do that?" Jason huffed.

"He's Alfred, that's how," Tim answered in a matter of fact.

"Hmm," Jason poured coffee in Tim's travel mug.

"So what is it?" Tim asked him.

"I've been thinking, a lot," Jason started, "and I've come to a conclusion."

"Thinking about what? And what conclusion have you drawn?" Alfred asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"I've been thinking about what's best for Harper, and the conclusion is; not me. So I will look for a good family who wants to adopt," Jason said in an unconvinced voice, he didn't want that, but it was what's best for her.

"I see," Alfred nodded then put Harper back in the bassinet, "Harper does have her father, who, in my very humble opinion, is one of the best men I've ever had the privilege of knowing, so I'm not sure how you've come up with that conclusion, but I firmly disagree."

"Come on Alfred, look me in the eye and tell me I'm not a complete and utter mess, I destroy everything I touch. I'm a mentally unstable fuck up! A killing machine with a trigger itchy finger-"

Tim was about to interfere but Alfred's stern and cold tone cut in.

"I will say this only once; you are NOT a mentally unstable fuck up! You are NOT a killing machine! Have you made mistakes in your life? Of course you have. But you were wronged far more than you have wronged, and if I am ever to hear you use those words again, if I am ever to find out you've used those words again to describe yourself, I will be very disappointed."

Jason's eyes instinctively lowered, he was staring at his feet. Alfred cursed and used the D word; he'd take the crowbar again before he'd disappoint Alfred AGAIN.

"She is your daughter. It has only been a day, but I have never seen you looking at anyone with so much love," Alfred's tone softened, "you're afraid, you're terrified, and that's normal. I am here to help you and so is Timothy, I know you want what's best for her, but I know that YOU are what's best for her."

"What if I screw it up? What if I screw her up?" like every parent I've had screw me up, went unsaid but heard by everyone except for Harper.

"Oh you will make many mistakes, but that's alright," Alfred put his hand on Jason's shoulder, "you are going to be an extraordinary father, having bad role models doesn't mean you'll be like us."

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