IX. first day

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IX. first day

"Ella, the bus will be here in ten minutes!"

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"Ella, the bus will be here in ten minutes!"

Ella could barely hear her sister over the sound of her Fleetwood Mac album, but did nevertheless. Ella was frantically packing for a camp that she really didn't want to go to. But she had to go, her idiotic sister had announced that she was pregnant only two weeks ago and she wanted 'time to herself.' And unfortunately for Ella her parents were to angry at Malinda to say no.

There was just so many things wrong with Camp Nightwing. For a start the Shadysiders get treated like shit. Although Ella had never been, her best friend Ziggy always told her about it. Well, ex best friend now. And that's another thing, Ziggy will be there. The two still couldn't be in the same room together this past year, but Ella had only herself to blame.

"Ella! Hurry up!"

"I'm coming, can't you wait like two minutes?"

Ella turned off the record player, grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs to the kitchen, where her sister was writing out some forms for Camp Nightwing.

"Shouldn't Mom or Dad do that?"

"Yeah, well they've fucked off to Grandma's haven't they."

Ella's parents haven't always been the most rational people in the world. When they found out that Malinda was pregnant with her boyfriend, who she has only known nine months, they were mortified. Even though their lifestyle wasn't, Ella's parents were extremely traditional.

"Where is your lover boy then?"

"His name is Alejandro."

Ella grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and started eating it.


Malinda stood up and put the paperwork in Ella's bag.

"You'll be fine Ella, and who knows, maybe you and Ziggy will make up."

"I doubt it."

When Ella and Ziggy had stopped being friends, Malinda had tried really hard to mend their friendship, knowing who much it meant to her sister. But the two teens never did.

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