V. confessions

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V. confessions

"I can't believe you're wearing that

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"I can't believe you're wearing that." Deena says to Kate, as she puts on a head light.

"I can't believe you're above wearing it, when we're in the middle of the fucking woods and dead maniacs are after us." Kate replies as she hands Reyes over another head light.

"Yeah Deena, rise to the occasion." Reyes said as the group walked towards where Sam crashed in the car.

Reyes looked behind and saw the the lights from the ambulance had turned off. Creepy.

As the group neared the crash, they saw that the car was still there. No had collected it. Simon held onto Reyes hand.

Sam walked through how she managed to see Sarah Fier, "okay, so I fell out of the car." She got onto her hands a knees. "I was crawling, and my nose was bleeding. And then." Sam pushed her hand into the red moss, Reyes squeezed Simon's hand. "I feel something." 

Sam started to pull up, what Reyes thought were chains, and if Kate could read her mind she said, "chains?" 

Everyone got onto the ground and started to look at what Sam was pulling out of the ground, when Reyes saw that bones started to come out of the ground. Reyes thought that this was a really stupid idea.

"Oh! Not just chains." Simon started to explain when everyone then saw the skull.

"Holy shit." 

"Oh my gosh."

"No way."

Josh started to assemble, what everyone thought to be Sarah Fier's body, when he actually came across a lock that said Fier.

"Fier. It's her. It's her grave." 

Reyes felt Simon come closer towards her, "oh, no, no. No! This bad! This is really bad!"

"Fucking shit, how is this even here!" Reyes exclaimed.

"No wonder the witch is pissed at us. I'd be pissed too." Kate said as she looked over Sarah's body, until she looked at Sam. "Sam disturbed her grave."

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