"I thought we could go out for dinner tonight. Maybe meet a few friends after...think I found a space for a club - I can show you it," Austin says, he is still in the kitchen doorway - he knows not to come too close. "No, thank you," she mumbles and fishes a peeler out of the drawer before she grabs a bowl and the potatoes. "Ok...well...I will start cleaning up the lounge," he says turning in the doorway. "Don't. I will do it myself. You will do a half-ass job which will only have me cleaning it again - it will be a waste of fucking time," she says pulling out a knife and chopping the potatoes.

"Fucking hell, Luxie. Are you serious? Kill a guy for relaxing on a day off," he says. There it is. Different words but the same excuse. Lux rolls her eyes but keeps quiet and ignores him as she continues with her vegetables. She hears him starting to clean up the lounge, he will do a good job but now she is pissed off and gunning for a fight so after dinner is cooking she will still make a fuss about cleaning up the lounge - it will piss him the fuck off. "Harry broke a mug," he says coming back into the kitchen with his arms full of shit. She does not care, they only cost her $5 for twenty at the dollar store. They are broke, what with her still learning the art of tattooing and Austin pouring every cent into starting up a nightclub - they have no fucking money for fancy shit. But, she is still pissed off.

"They were expensive."

"It was an accident. He lifted it by the handle and the handle broke off - not the guy's fault."

Lux takes a deep breath trying to push out the image of the now new coffee stain in the lounge that she will have to spend hours scrubbing.

"All the more reason why he should not have been here then," she says under her breath but, Austin freezes in the doorway. Shit. She had not intended for him to hear that. Or maybe she did. He turns around slowly and glares at her, ok, here we go.

"You forget, Lux, that this is also my apartment and I can have friends over whenever I want. You would not see me being bitchy if your friends ever came over."

"Yes, well we would clean up after ourselves," she says putting the knife down, probably best she steps away from any weapons. She keeps her hands on her hips as she looks at Austin.

"Cleaning...I fucking follow your rules most of the time so I don't appreciate you making my friends feel like they need to leave before you fucking explode for not washing a coffee cup."

"That's unfair! Are you fucking for real? My rules? It's just fucking common courtesy, Austin! You never think of me! I don't want to do all this shit after being at work all day!"

"Oh, so I have to give up the little time I have to relax and hang out with my friends so you can fucking laze around!"

"That's so far off reality it makes my head hurt! You know that's not true!" she shouts reaching for the knife then sees Austin has already taken it and put it on top of the fridge. The boy is attentive. But, she keeps her nails long and sharp, like cats claws - she will scratch him up if need be.

"Do I? Because you keep making me those fucking lists and shouting at me for not doing my fucking chores - it feels like I have moved in with my fucking mother!"

That hurt. That fucking hurt. They are both young, only nineteen, and they should be going out, having fun - living it up, but instead, they are stuck in this apartment fighting like a couple of old people and she has turned into a nagging bitch. This is not who she wants to be. She does not want him to do everything, she just wants to not have to do it herself all the fucking time. She wants him to care enough and not be just a second thought to him. Is that so wrong?

"Fuck you," she says and pushes past him into the lounge. "What are you doing?" he asks, following her.

"Cleaning the lounge."

"I said I am doing it."

"And I told you that you will do a shit job so just fuck off," she says grabbing the bedroom TV and trying to lift it. "Stop, Lux! Stop!" Austin shouts jumping forward and trying to catch the large lounge TV along with all his gaming shit that she had not realized was all attached by a million cords. He is too late though and everything crashes down - the sound of crushing plastic making her wince. It's a dramatic scene, might as well add to it so she lets go of the TV in her hands letting it crash to the floor - broken. She should keep quiet, maybe apologize or take a breather. If they get into it now there will be a bust-up.

"That's what happens when a grown man acts like a fucking teenager," she says turning and walking to their bedroom for that breather. She should have kept her mouth shut because she can hear Austin breathing down her neck as he follows her. She does not want this to end badly - they need a fucking moment.

"When did you become so fucking jaded," he says. Lux turns and looks at him, what the fuck is he talking about? She is not jaded.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Lux. You were once fun and funny. That bitchy mouth was once sexy as fuck - now I fucking hope you keep it shut and come home late from work just so I have to spend less time with you!"

"Less time with me?"

Austin freezes and then shakes his head, "Luxie," he says reaching out to her but she hits his hand away and takes a step back. "I will give you less time with me," she says pulling her bag out from under the bed. "Baby, hold on. We are angry and saying shit we don't mean," Austin says trying to calm her down and take back his words. But he said them, he can't take them back and he knows what he was doing. It's her biggest insecurity - Austin is social, outgoing, always the life of the party, and the center of attention. Everyone loves him. She is the opposite of all that. She is scared she can't keep up with him and told him of her fear time and time again. Scared he would pull away and not want to just be around her. She swallows the lump in her throat, she will not fucking cry in front of this asshole.

"I won't let you go, Luxie, we need to talk."

"I cheated on you."

Lux throws the last of her clothes in her bag and turns to look at Austin. What she has just said is toxic and it's a lie but, it's Austin's insecurity and she knows it. He has told her as much. Austin looks gutted by her words and she feels like shit at having said them. But, this relationship is not what either of them wants anymore - they are starting to hate each other. He won't stop her now. Not after what she said so she zips her bag up and walks out of the apartment.

It's fucked up, she loves him but it is what it is. They said what they said and there is no going back now no matter how much she desperately wants to.

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