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The grand hall is abuzz with excitement as family, friends, and proud instructors gather to witness the momentous occasion. Rows of freshly-graduated cadets, dressed in their crisp white uniforms, anxiously await the commencement of the ceremony.

I stand among them, my heart starts pounding with a mix of pride and apprehension. I look around, catching glimpses of familiar faces in the crowd. I lift a hand and wave to my mom and Amelia. My eyes linger around the room landing on my Dad. Who sits along side other admirals and captains. Today is the day he finds out my most well kept secret. It's hard just watching him sit there, unaware of the secret that is about to shatter his world.

"So nice of daddykins to show up." I give my friend, Heather Bennett a nudge in the ribs. Also known as the chick that got me through the last four years, also the best aviator I know.

"Shut up, Crimson." She earned her call sign from her fiery red locks, and her bad temper. "I'm uncomfortable enough as it is."

I don't know if it's this tight bun I've got my hair in, this uniform, or the fact that my dad is possibly about to murder me.

"It will all be fine." She whispers. "Let's just get you graduated. Then you can worry."

"You are so encouraging." I roll my eyes.

The ceremony starts soon after, Heather takes to the stage to give a speech. She stands at the podium and starts, "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, and fellow graduates, Today is a momentous occasion as we gather here at the Naval Academy to celebrate the culmination of years of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication. It is an honor to stand before you as a representative of this extraordinary class. As we reflect on our journey, we remember the countless early mornings, late nights, and rigorous training that have shaped us into the leaders we are today. We have endured physical and mental challenges, pushing ourselves to the limits of our abilities. We have learned the importance of discipline, resilience, and unwavering commitment. Each step of the way, we have been guided by the principles of honor, courage, and commitment instilled in us by this esteemed institution. We are about to embark on a path that is not for the faint of heart. We will face challenges that test our mettle and demand our unwavering determination. But let us remember that we have been prepared for this. The Naval Academy has equipped us with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to navigate the tumultuous seas of life. We owe a debt of gratitude to our families, friends, and loved ones who have supported us throughout this demanding journey. Their unwavering encouragement and sacrifices have been the wind beneath our sails. They have celebrated our triumphs and lifted us up during moments of doubt. Let us take a moment to express our heartfelt appreciation for their steadfast support."

She continues to go on and my eyes drift to Dad.

"In conclusion, my fellow graduates, as we set sail on our respective journeys, let us remember the words of Admiral Chester Nimitz: "The Navy has both a tradition and a future, and we look with pride and confidence in both directions." May we honor the tradition we inherit while fearlessly embracing the future that awaits us. Congratulations to all. Thank you."

The ceremony goes on, and one by one, cadets step forward to receive their diplomas. As the moment draws nearer for my turn, that sense of dread settles deep within me.

Finally, the time comes. The crowd erupts in applause as, "Becca Benjamin." is called out.

I take a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. With each step toward the stage, my mind races with the weight of the revelation I'm about to unleash.


"You could've told me that these things are extremely boring!" Amelia groans.

"Thank you for humbling me with your presence, Mia." I smile as she throws some store bought flowers at my chest. I turn to mom, who is grinning like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"Congratulations honey!" She says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Thanks." I whisper, breathlessly.

She pulls back, probably because she could feel my heart trying to punch it's way through my chest. "He's here isn't he?" I nod aggressively. "That's good. He deserves to know."

"But mom-"

"Rebecca!" She whispers, putting her hands on my shoulders. "He deserves to know." She speaks slowly as if that will make me understand.

I take a deep breath, that breath hitches in my throat when I see him. Walking, slowly, towards me.

I'm going to barf.

I hand Mom and Amelia my things and head towards him. I have to face this. I knew this day would come and now it's here.

I meet him in the middle, he says nothing. Guess I have to lead the way on this one. My voice trembles as I start to explain myself.

"Hey Dad." I breathe out.

He nods at me, looking absolutely dumbfounded. "Becca."

I hiss as I take the faint blow. "Dad, I..." I shut my eyes tightly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"That's it?" He scoffs.

"I submitted my application under the name Becca Benjamin because... because I didn't want you to know. I mean after that night I-" I look around the room as I try to get all of this out as quickly as I can. "I thought I could prove myself without relying on your legacy."

I watch as his face contorts with a mixture of anger, hurt, and disappointment.

"How could you keep something like this from me, Rebecca?" He barely containing his rage. "The Navy, the risks involved... it's not something to be taken lightly."

My shoulders slump under the weight of his words, tears welling up in my eyes. I reach out, desperately seeking his understanding.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to hurt you." My eyes start to water. "But this is something I needed to do. I just wanted to prove myself, to be seen as more than just your daughter. Mitchell is a tough title to carry and I wanted to earn my own place."

He looks into my eyes, his voice filled with a mixture of sternness and paternal worry.

"Rebecca, I raised you to be honest with me."

My tears flow freely now, my voice filled with remorse."I know, Dad. I never wanted to lie to you. I thought I could prove myself, but now I see the price of my actions." I gulp down a sob. "But I don't regret my decision." His jaw clenches. "Dad, I know you worry about me, but this is my calling. I've prepared myself for the challenges, and I'm ready to face them head-on. I will continue to work under Becca Benjamin and I hope one day you'll understand and support my decision." I give him a hug, he stiffly returns it and with nothing more to say, I walk away, head held high.