Konomi: wait is that a pole?

Rindou: yeah, why?

Konomi: like the ones in clubs?

Rindou: I guess?

Konomi: imma go check it out.

Kokonoi: why?

Konomi: because I once trained to become a stripper back in the states.

Ran: is that why you're so good at dancing?

Konomi: yeah that and the fact that I've got talent.

Hanma: I'll be the judge of that.

Konomi: oh really?

Hanma: yes, why don't you put on a show? (Smirks)

Konomi: I don't see why not.

Takeomi: just have to do something first.

   Takeomi then stood up and told all the other people in the gym to leave except for Watoshi and Yutaro who had already seen her dance.

Konomi: aww Omi-kun is so protective (giggles).

Takeomi: (shrugs).

  Konomi then went to the pole as she pulled out her phone and connected it to the Bluetooth speakers.

Konomi: what song?

Kokonoi: I'm not sure.

Ran: maybe something enticing.

Konomi: let me just check my playlist.

  After a while of scrolling she decided to settle for Flower by Jisoo.
  She put it on as she made her way to the pole.
     The song started as she slowly pulled herself on to the pole, she slowly twirled her hips as the chorus hit, her floor routine was short but done expertly well as she twerked her way into a full split, at some point she was upside down almost as if  her entire cleavage would spill out of her bra as she slowly wiggled her was down extending her ass as she twerked down.
    Everyone in the room had definitely seen her dance before but this one was more thrilling for them to watch, as if she was being more seductive than usual, they were all practically drooling at her movements Kokonoi was the only one to have enough attention to pull out his phone to video the entire dance.
   The song ended as she climbed down, looking around the room she could see as all of them were lost in another world as she called them to snap them out of their thoughts with a satisfied smile on her face.

Konomi: what did you guys think?

Hanma: what are you trying to do? Kill us?

Ran: I was so close to having a nose bleed.

Sanzu: do another song.

Konomi: I'm too tired for that.

Kokonoi: that's too bad (pouts).

Kakucho: why don't we head into the stream room.

Konomi: there's a steam room here?

Mochi: yup right down the hall.

Konomi: yes let's go.

Watoshi: can we come?

Yutaro: actually we have a mission.

Watoshi: oh yeah, this isn't fair.

Mochi: if it helps, you still wouldn't have been able to come.

Yutaro: let's go Watoshi we don't have all day.

Watoshi: goodbye Miss Haruto.

Konomi: bye bye.

   The two leaves as the rest go to the steam room.

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