"Mom!", he says as soon as he's close to her. His Mom only pulls him closer and replies: "It's so lovely to see you again, sweetie. It's been so long."

As soon as they let go, Caden comes back to me and his hand returns on my waist. "Mom, this is Nini. The girl I've told you about."

I hardly stop a look in Caden's direction. He's been talking about me?! However, manners first, I reach out my hand to the woman and introduce myself: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Misses West. I'm Nini."

Caden's Mom doesn't shake my hand and has me in a hug instead, her arms wrapped around my body. It feels new. I've never had a hug coming from a parent before. Denise hated hugs. Thought I didn't deserve them. The feeling I feel now is warm yet also bitter, knowing how much I've missed out in my childhood.

As we let go, she smiles at me and says: "The pleasure is all mine. And please, call me Caroline, Nini."

I nod at her understanding. "Thanks, Caroline."

Her smile grows even brighter. I now understand what Caden meant about his Mom always smiling.

Caroline leads us inside and Caden brings all our suitcases in. Although it's very late, Caroline still offers to give us some food and goes inside the kitchen to set it on plates. In the meantime, Caden volunteers to offer me a tour around the place.

The house looks even better from the inside. It's very aesthetic, and the urge to grab my phone and upload tones of photos of Pinterest is so big, yet I manage to stop it. Everything in the house is in perfect harmony with everything else. It doesn't have a specific theme or pattern, but it all feels cozy and warm. Like a home. Caden shows me the living room with the huge couch covered in cushions and fluffy blankets. There are pictures on the walls with him as a kid along with many shelves filled with books. The next room I see is the bathroom, that has the largest collection of soaps I have ever seen in my life. They have every scent one can think of. Floral Dream, Sweet Vanilla or Winter Feeling are just some of the scents I would give anything to try out later. After the bathroom, Caden shows me his parents' bedroom on the ground floor. We then go upstairs to his old room. It's a guest bedroom now, but there are still many hockey jerseys with his name and different numbers over the years, framed on the walls. The last room he shows me is the room we'll be sleeping it. Because although he could have his own room, Caden decided to sleep with me. Which made me very happy.

The room is a guest bedroom, that looks also very aesthetic. It has a nice double bed, which is perfectly made. There's a wardrobe and a coffee table with two armchairs. It is exactly what we need.

I am still looking around the room while Caden goes downstairs to bring our bags. The moment he's back upstairs and his hands are free, I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer to me. He seems surprised at first, then lets himself enjoy our hug and sinks deeper into my arms.

"Thank you for inviting me", I whisper, my lips brushing softly his ear. I can hear him gasp for air and feel him shiver once. He then kisses my lips softly and mouths:
"Thank you for coming."

He takes me in his arms, and I wrap my feet around his waist. He then gently carries me to the bed, on which he lays me on. He gets rid of the hoodie I was wearing until I am only in my small white crop top. Caden then begins to explore my neck, planting kisses that make me shiver every time. Before I know what I'm doing, I am taking down his hoodie yet in his case, he's not wearing anything else underneath and I get a look at his bare chest. I have seen Caden shirtless before, but every time he's been quick to cover himself up again, so I only got a small glimpse. This time, he only turns around to check whether the door is closed, which luckily is, and then he allows me to take my time. And my conclusion is, I think I'm dating the hottest man alive. His body is so perfectly shaped, like he wouldn't even be real. Like he were a dream.

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