Chapter 24

20 2 0

After 3 weeks



It's been a long time, and finally!

Were now off to Philippines without anyone bothering us.

"Let's go!"

We rode the van all together with BTS!!

This is gonna be fun!



"Goodmorning everyone, this is your captain speaking. Please take your seat and insert your seat belt. We will be flying soon."

I'm fixing my lougage and sat between Jhope and Kai.

When the airplane is finally at the skies, I laid my head on Kai's shoulder to take a nap.



I saw Aika sleeping already. I'm so excited now that our getaway is now on the way.

haha, get it?

I was about to close my eyes when I felt my phone buzzed.

From: Georgina

' Nice leather jacket honey.'

My eyes widen. How did she knew I'm wearing a leather jacktet?!

I stood up and searched for her.

Then my eyes caught a grinning woman holding up her phone.

Sh*t. She's here.



Hahaha! Chanyeol looked so shocked when he saw me.

Just wait Aika and Chanyeol, you haven't seen the last of me.

I need to sleep for beauty rest.



I woke up because of the cold air I felt on my shoulders.

Oooh, it's cold.

"Aika?" I glanced at Kai who noticed me.


He took his jacket and laid it on my arms.

"Thanks." I said and huffled on the jacket.

I looked at my watched and noticed it's 3pm. Wow, that wasn't a NAP.

So it means, it's 2pm in the Philippines?

Are we here?!

"Goodafternoon everyone. We will be landing soon. Please enjoy the flight."

My nerves exciten. I missed Philippines so much! And I'm so excited for the activities were gonna do.


I'm grabbing my louggage and step off the plane.

This is.....

"NA....I....A" I muttured.

We walked through the airport and searched for our car.

"Ms.. Aika!!" I looked for that voice and saw a man waving at me.

We walked straight to him praying that people won't notice us.

The leader of Top A, BTS members, and EXO are here.


We hurriedly entered the van and immediately left the airport. Some girls are still chasing us.

I bought out my handkerchief and opened the window.

"Saranghaeyo!" I shouted at them and threw my handkerchief at them.

It made them stop, but their fighting for it.

I made a mistake, sorry. >_<

"Ms. Aika, I'm Richard. Your personal driver for the rest of your stay here in the Philippines." He said while driving.

"Oh, okay Richard." I replied.

I glanced at the others and some are sleeping, chatting, etc.

While riding, I focused my look on the streets were passing.

Philippines is still Philippines.



I'm following their van and it looks like Boracay is our first step.

Good thing I'm prepared as always.


They stopped at a resort here in Boracay.

I wore my shades so that they won't notice me and walked slowly.

When they stopped infront of the ID, I sat on one of their sofas.

The woman gave Aika 3 keys and she gave the others the 2.

So it looks like Aika and Chanyeol will be sharing 1 room.



After I got a key, I have to give the woman a glare and fierce talking to give me one.

My room is eventually infront of the other exo members.

I peeked at the window, and it looks like their going swimming.

And is today my lucky day? Aika just left the room!

I immediately changed my clothes into a red 2piece swimsuit.

I first wore a robe and bunned my hair because I have something planned.

I opened my door quietly and opened the door infront.

"Aika, is that you?" I heard Chanyeol's voice on the bathroom.

I cleared my throat.

"N-ne!" I faked my voice so It will sound like Aika.

I huffled on the blanket and covered my face.

I can feel it, I can feel the sweet smell of Revenge.

I first washed my face and left the bathroom.

"Baby?" I called on.

She's sleeping on the bed like a baby. Sniffed up on the blanket.

She didn't reply so she's sleeping?
I carefully lay down beside her and laid my arm on her chest.

I pulled her so she will stick to me.

"...." I got confused when Aika became so light.

She ruined her week diet and she had a heavy breakfast.

That's strange.

I lifted the blanket on the top part and noticed the black-dyed hair.

Sh*t. This isn't Aika. Her hair is Golden Brown.

"I-i will just go swimming." I made a move to escape but she grabbed my arm.

"Not to fast honey...." She revealed herself and damn, it's Georgina.

"What are you doing?!" I asked.

I pulled my arm and pulled hers to the door.

"H-hey it hurts!" She hissed.

I didn't care and pushed her out of the door.

"Go away, you won't win this time." I said then left.

I better go see Aika.


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