Chapter 20: Bathroom

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I grabbed my phone & dialled JPRH.

"Hello? Yes?" Started the other line.

"Hi, this is Aika Park Syun. Can I add 7 other people on my list?"

"Ah, yes ma'am. That will be 12,250 additional. "

"Ah, okay thank you."

Because Chanyeol's party at Boracay will still be going later.

"Are you ready?" I asked the BTS.

They are all coming & it will be so much fun.

"Ne!" They shouted.

I also called Kris to tell them will meet at Incheon Airport to go to Boracay all together.

We all rided first to my mansion to grab my stuff.

"A-aika." Chanyeol saw me and looked awe.

I ignored him & just grabbed my stuff from the room.

"See you at Incheon." I just told Chanyeol and left him.

We reached the airport then first went to a restaurant to eat.

All together, to be exact.

We already ordered and were here on a long table chatting.

"Jungkook, I just need to use the bathroom." I told Jungkook beside me.

He nodded then I stood up.

There's a short hallway where the bathroom is then when I opened the door.

"Hmmmm!" A man covered my mouth then threw me together with 2 other girls, crying, tied up.

As I stand up, the man caught me then placed duck tape on my mouth, then another man tied up my hands.

"Let's start." A man said then the other one walked towards me.

Oh no. When he got his hands on me, I used my legs to kick him then moved backwards.

But he doged it them hold my legs.

He started placing his hands under my dress.

"Hmmmmm!!!" I started screaming but the ducktape on my mouth is really hard.

Using his hands, he ripped my dress then threw it away.

Now, I'm half naked.

I saw the other girl crying, but the man was.... Oh God.

The man licked up my thighs that made me shiver.

Oh God, please help me.

What's taking Aika so long?

"Excuse me." I excused.

I walked to the bathroom then knocked.


There was no reply. I tried opening it but it was locked.


Aika heard Jimin's voice outside the door that made the men stopped what their doing.

"Aika?!" Jimin repeated.

Aika bited the man's hand on her mouth then quickly peeled off the duck tape.

"Jimin!! Help me!!" Aika shouted.

Jimin was shocked so he ran back to the others.

"Aika's in trouble!" Jimin screeched.

Everyone stood up then walked to the bathroom.

The man got angry when I shouted for help so he kissed me, torridly it hurts.

He was licking me while pulling my hair, and I swear, it's so disguting.

On my peripheral view, I saw the first girl completely naked and was chasing air. While the other girl was on the other man.

"Aika!!" I heard Jungkook voice.

"Sshh. You just let them hear you." The man said then carressed my buttocks.

"Gaahh! Huhuhu...." I screamed then cried painly.

I can see they were trying to open the door.

When the man was about to take off my under wear, the door barged open.


Jimin knocked over the other man then Baekhyun used his jacket to cover the naked woman while Lay used his jacket to cover the other girl.

"Back out." The man infront of me said then bought out gun.

I was covering my body in fear and crying.

He pointed the gun on the others then licked my face.

"Hmmm!" I shouted then looked away.

"Stop it!!" Chanyeol shouted.

The man grabbed my face then led me stood up.

"You know this woman?" He sarcastically asked.

"She's OUR woman!" V said.

"She's mine now." The man said then pointed the gun at me.

My eyes went wide open and I shaken.

"You will come with me or I will kill you?" He asked.

My tears flooded my face. I coudn't choose.

"Answer me!!" He shouted then punched my stomach that made me fall amd coughed blood.

"Put your gun down sir!" A guard offered with two other guards.

He threw his gun and raised his hands.

The other guard hand-cuffed him and helped the other girls.

Jungkook immediately took off his coat then covered it on my body.

I stood up and the others covered my underneath while we get out of the restaurant.

When we reach the PL , Jungkook laid me on the backseat of the car.

"Are you okay?" He spoke almost on tears.

I hugged him tight, so tight that I'm glad were okay.

"Everything's alright." He comforts.

Jimin and V entered the car then Jungkook on the driver seat.

Jin, J-hope, & RM on the other car.

I laid my head on Jimin's shoulder while V covered my legs using his scarf.

Fvck! I'm gonna kill those bastards for hurting Aika.

"Chanyeol, calm down." Luhan said.

Were back on the mansion and I can notice that Baekhyun is unsteady.

"Why Baekhyun?" Asked Kai.

"T-the girl, I helped....." He started.

"What?" I asked.

"Was Tasha." He finished.

We all got shocked especially Luhan.

He immediately dialled Tasha's number.

"H-hello?" Answered Tasha.

"Tasha! Are you okay?!" I asked worriedly.

"Y-yes I am."

"You were at the restaurant...."

"How d-did you know?"

"My friend was the one who helped you."

"R-really? Can you tell h-him thanks?"

"Sure. Be safe okay? I love you."

"Okay. I love you too. Bye."

*Sorry for the little SPG! -Author*

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