Chapter 10: Star-strucked

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Aika POV
I'm now here on my room where I get ready for the photoshoot.

My stylist let me wore an ombré dress of violet, royal blue, and neon green.

My hair was styled by a professional stylist and turned to a rose.

It's amazing, I don't even know how they did that.

My shoes was a transparent wedge heel with pink and white flowers.

"Ms. Park Syun, are you ready?" My producer asked on my door

"Almost." I answered

I was just fixing my brow.

I arched my brows, eye lined my eyes, with brown eye shadows, white eye tips, rose blush on, and light pink gloss.

"Okay, that's it." I said to myself.

I stood up and went out my dresser.


"Another one!"

I, first taking solo pics while waiting for the BTS.

"Perfect miss!" He told me

"Kahmsa." I said

He stopped first for a break and I walked out the stage.

I first went to the Mini cafe here on our studio and ordered a cappucino frost.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Chanyeol's number.

"Baby?" He asked on the other line.

"Hi baby! How's the company?" I asked

You see, one of our company was held on to Chanyeol and his family after our wedding.

It's a Clothe Company.

"Great. I'm still working on some of my papers for a new product." He answered

"What product?" I asked


I got excited when I heard that one word.

Because I get to-

"You get to try all samples and you pick the best smell."

Yes! That's what I wanted

"When? Where?" I asked

"The day after tomorrow. Here on our company. I'll fetch you th-"

"I'll go on my own." I protested

"No. I'll FETCH YOU."

Very protective husband. Plus possessive.

"Okay baby. Bye now!"

"Bye, I love you."

Just let you know, my cheeks are blood red already.

"I love you too."


Then, I heard some shouting of girls.

"Mr. Kahli, the BTS boys are here." Said the manager

Oh, their here.


Here they are.

"I'm J-Hope, Jimin, V, & Rock Monster." They introduces themselves

Wait, one's missing.

"Our other member is on an important visit." explained V.

"You boys go to your dresser. We'll meet in 25 minutes." Explained Mr. Kahli

"Ne." they all said together.

"And boys, this is Ms. Aika Park Syun. The daughter of the CEO of the SM Ent." Said Mr. Kahli.

"Anyeong." I said

Two boys were starstruck and two boys were smiling.

The starstrucked boys are V and Jimin.

I reached my hand for them to shake.

They shook it one by one.

"Okay, go on now."

They left and I was alone again on one of the seats in the mini cafe.


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