Chapter 13: Safe House Scramble

Start from the beginning

Lily's initially exasperated expression soon melted into a delighted smile. " know I do! You know me so well....."

Guys! Nightclaw barked, even though the vampires couldn't understand her. Enough of this! Get to the eastern wing's hallway! Baker's office is the last door on the right!

To get her point across, she nodded in the appropriate direction, to which Lily and Theo returned back with understanding nods of their own.

Once Lily, Theo, and Nightclaw had taken care of the security personnel in the lobby, the three of them then regrouped and moved down the eastern hallway together, rapidly advancing towards their target.


They were forced to skid to a stop and hide behind a corner, however, when they spotted a squad of eight more goons hustling down the hallway almost completely in sync, like they were participating in an exercise drill.

"What are we going to do?!" Theo exclaimed in a hushed tone. "They're going to see us when they pass!"

Let's just go! I can literally take care of all of them! Nightclaw said, slamming a clawed fist into her other open palm.

However, both Theo and Nightclaw noticed that Lily was wearing quite the cheerful grin. "Don't worry, guys," she said with a wink. "I've got this."

The vampire casually stepped into the guards' line of sight, at which point they quickly raised their weapons.

But Lily was faster. Her move? To grab her flute from her hip and play a song, of all things.

Her enemies were immensely bewildered by this sudden turn, simply standing there and emitting confused exclamations amongst each other rather than taking action. The apparent absurdity of the situation caught the men off-guard for so long that they didn't bother to realize the effect that the song was having on them.

"What are you doing?!" one of them cried.

"She's distracting you, you greedy, porous punk!" Theo responded, chuckling.

As crucial seconds passed, the mercenaries began to get drowsy, and their eyelids grew heavier and heavier with time. Their heads nodded off more and more frequently, and eventually all eight of them collapsed to the floor, fast asleep.

Greatly impressed, Theo and Nightclaw then left their cover and rejoined Lily at her side. ".....What happened to wanting to use the rifle?" Theo asked her. "Don't get me wrong, I love hearing you play.....but....."

Lily removed the rifle from her back, looked directly into her lover's eyes, and planted a single shot squarely in the backs of every single helpless merc.....without even looking away from him. "I didn't forget."

Theo laughed. "I love you."

"I know."

You guys are lucky that Esther disabled all the cameras before we got here..... Nightclaw said, visibly facepalming and groaning internally. Let's just go.....the office is right there.

The team then covered the remaining distance between themselves and the room, with Nightclaw in the middle, Lily on her left, and Theo on her right.


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