Daniyal's annoyance was evident, but he decided to give Khalifa the benefit of the doubt for now. "Alright, but remember, I expect reliability and honesty from you," he warned.

Khalifa's eyes gleamed with mischief as he nodded in agreement. He had already devised a plan to take advantage of Daniyal's trust and kindness.

As they continued their search for Khalifa's accommodation, Khalifa pretended to be appreciative of Daniyal's efforts. Deep down, he was calculating his moves, looking for an opportunity to exploit Daniyal's generosity.

Finally, they found an apartment that seemed suitable, and Khalifa expressed his gratitude once again, this time with an ulterior motive. "Sahib jee, thank you so much for your kindness. I promise I won't let you down. I will prove myself worthy of your trust."

Daniyal, unaware of Khalifa's true nature, smiled and patted him on the back. "I hope you're sincere, Khalifa. Let's see how things unfold."

"You will accompany me everywhere I go and do all my little chores for me. No excuses or blunders will be tolerated. Right now I am going back home. So you can stay back. Here's the address. As soon as I call you, reach there within 10 minutes or you're fired. Understood?" Daniyal was stern.

"Yes, Sahib." Khalifa said.

Daniyal headed towards the Chaudhary house, his heart brimming with anticipation and excitement. He was determined to have a conversation with Harris bhai about a marriage proposal for Rabail. After achieving success and amassing wealth beyond measure, Daniyal felt a deep longing for a loving family and a warm, welcoming home. The Chaudhary household had already given him a taste of that, but now he wanted Rabail to be a part of his life forever.

As he dialed Rabail's number, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Hey Rabi, how are you?" he said, using the affectionate nickname he had given her.

Rabail's voice echoed through the phone, her tone filled with warmth. "Daniyal, I'm doing well. What's the good news you wanted to share?"

Daniyal couldn't contain his excitement any longer. "Rabi, I've found the perfect apartment for us. It's a beautiful place where we can build our future together. I want us to create a home filled with love and happiness."

Rabail's voice was tinged with joy as she responded, "Oh Daniyal, that sounds wonderful! I can't wait to see it. Our own little haven where we can make countless memories together."

Their conversation was filled with laughter and dreams of a blissful future. Daniyal knew deep in his heart that Rabail was the missing piece in his life.

They said their goodbyes, and Daniyal went to speak to Harris. Daniyal felt a sense of relief as he prepared to discuss his heartfelt intentions with Harris.

"Harris bhai, I have something really important to discuss with you," Daniyal began, his voice filled with anticipation.

Harris nodded attentively, his eyes reflecting genuine interest. "Yes, Daniyal, speak. I'm all ears."

Taking a deep breath, Daniyal expressed his feelings with sincerity, "I like a woman, her  name is Rabail. She comes from a respected family, and her character is truly commendable. Both Sairah and Waliya Aunty have had the pleasure of meeting her, and I believe she would be a wonderful life partner for me. I kindly request your support in approaching Amma and Mama to ask for my hand in marriage."

Harris's face lit up with genuine happiness, and he clasped his hands together. "That's wonderful news, Daniyal! I can see the sincerity in your words, and I'm genuinely thrilled for you. Rest assured, I will have a heartfelt conversation with Amma and Mama right away. May Allah bless this union and bring happiness to both of your lives."

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