Chapter 6

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A/N: *Very* dialogue heavy chapter, so we'll finally get a feel for the dynamic that this bunch will have for a lot of this story. Also in case anyone missed the tag, this is an incredibly slow burn. So be prepared to strap in for the long haul. I'll do my best to make it worth your while!

Falling into my bunk after the show felt as easy as breathing. I wasn't tired per se. Physically, my energy had been entirely depleted, but my head was still buzzing with thoughts. I knew sleep would evade me for a while yet.

Especially with all the sounds happening around me. 

Jolly had claimed the bunk above mine, and apparently only he and I had sleep on our minds at the moment. I could hear music quietly bleeding through his headphones as he tried to drown out all the noise the others were making. 

Leah, Noah, both Nicks, Analie and Madilyn were gathered around a tiny table in an area vaguely reminiscent of a sitting room (if sitting rooms were barely six feet long and six feet across). Someone, though I didn't know who, had found a deck of Uno cards. 

After living with Leah, Analie, and Madilyn for a few years, I knew that this was a horrible idea. Chaos was sure to ensue whenever those three were involved in any kind of competitive activity. However, they seemed right at home with the guys. The whole group was slapping down cards and whisper-yelling at each other as though they'd played together for their whole lives. 

The volume was slowly, steadily climbing, but I found I didn't mind it too much. I was too wired for sleep in any case. I listened to their game as I stared at the bottom of Jolly's bunk, laying on my back with my hands folded across my stomach. 

"Ha! Draw eight, bitch," that had to be Analie, though it was difficult to tell because they were whispering.

"Fuck you! We're not stacking! That's not how it works," someone, possibly Folio, hissed back.

"Yes it is," at least four people said in unison.

"You're on their side, Nic? What the fuck?"

"What? They scare me!"

"Aaaand reverse!"

The sound of a card smacking the table.

"NOAH! Now why would you do that," that was definitely Nic, as he had graduated from whispering to talking quietly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Noah said back, sounding smug.

Suddenly Madilyn's voice could be heard, "Uno! Noah's got Uno! You have to draw two!"


"Got his ass!"

A noise, vaguely similar to a clap, could be heard. Someone must have high fived.

I laughed, doing my best to roll onto my side in the tiny bunk so I could see them. The small space would definitely take some getting used to. 

"I know you're not laughing over there," Noah said a bit louder than he had been talking previously.

I froze, a giant smile on my face as I looked in their direction, "of course not. I'm just observing."

"Creep," he shook his head at me.

I flipped him off with a lazy grin and he rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you come join, Kat," he asked, leaning forward so he could see me clearly past Madilyn's head.

"And get emotionally abused for the rest of the night? I think not," I laughed.

"Now personally, I don't think a little emotional abuse ever hurt anyone," Folio grinned, raising his brows.

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