Chapter 2

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The whole ride home, the car was filled with heady energy that we couldn't shake. We were just too excided. Madilyn and Analie sat in the back seat, with Leah up front in the passenger seat. As I drove, we all screamed along to the lyrics of whatever songs came on. I took the long way home, adding about ten minutes to the drive. Anything to prolong this feeling.

As I watch it fall away from me
Like a house on fire, like a house on fire
And all I am turn to all I can be
Like a house on fire, like a house on fire
(House on Fire; Asking Alexandria)

We were really hamming it up, not paricularly caring that the lyrics didn't exactly fit the mood. In the rearview, I could see Analie playing some wicked air drums, looking like she would be absolutely crushing it if she had her kit nearby. Madilyn and Leah sang along loudly, adding in some harmonies while I took the melody because... old habits die hard I guess.

They sounding really fucking good. I grinned, their voices hyping me up beyond belief. I couldn't comprehend how I'd gotten lucky enough to have these talented girls as my best friends, and make music with them. Now, with a full album ready for release, it finally felt like it was becoming real. It was more than just a pet project. It was our life. It was a dream come true.

I belted out the last of the song, really putting my soul into it. As the final cymbal click signaled the end of the song, a sudden idea sprung into my head.

"Y'all what if we did covers? Like YouTube shit to promote the band?"

They paused in the brief silence between songs, looking at each other in consideration. Before any of them could speak, a punchy sounding drum beat began pulsing through the car.

"FUCK YEAH! Turn that shit up," Madilyn hollered from the back seat, looking like the only thing stopping her from doing so herself was her seatbelt, "I fuckin' love this song!"

I obliged, turning it up full blast. Leah and Analie exchanged looks in the rearview, somewhere between amused and exasperated, as Madilyn and I began screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs.

I know exactly what I want and who I wanna be
I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine
I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy
Oh- oh no- oh no- oh no- oh
(Oh no!; MARINA)

The end of the song came, and Leah quickly pressed pause on the little screen on the dash before whatever song was next could play.

"Bruh, why," I looked at her, a bit put out.

"Hold on a sec," she said, looking at me, "were you serious about the cover thing earlier?"

I nodded, "I mean, I wouldn't say like release them or anything. We already have Fortitude," I break off in a grin at the thought, "that feels like enough for the moment. Plus, I don't want us to be like Sleep Token with I Wanna Dance With Somebody."

We gave a collective shudder.

"Well then what were you thinking," Analie asked.

"Just something for fun, really," I said, thinking, "We could take songs we like, sing them, and post them to YouTube or some shit. It might help us get more like- interaction, I guess? Since we had the ball rolling with the EP and then COVID happened."

"Yeah... fuck COVID," Madilyn said, a grin on her face, but the tiniest hint of bitterness in her voice.

"Agreed," Leah said, "and I do think it could be cool. We could promote the album release with them."

"I always wanted to do YouTube as a kid," Analie said simply, "and I'm down for whatever."

Leah nodded, "what about you, Madi?"

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