Chapter 5

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A/N: This is the longest chapter by a wide margin, to make up for how long I took for this update. A lot has happened to slow this chapter down. I had a show to perform (The Wizard of Oz), and that closed yesterday which I'm so very sad about. I've also just been spending a lot of time with my girlfriend. Speaking of which, my gf is now my beta reader, so there should be less typos than before!

It was an absolute disaster. Of the worst variety. The kind of fuck up that is unimaginable until you've lived it. The kind of mistake that felt purposeful, as though some outside force were sipping a drink whilst manipulating events to make my life unbearably difficult.

Sumerian had chartered us our own bus. Our own tour bus! We were beyond excited. It felt like it was too good to be true. Mostly because, turns out, it was.

November 3rd, 2022. A day that I would look back on with so many mixed feelings that I couldn't put a finger to just one of them.

The first show of the tour would be in Charlotte, North Carolina. It was nearly an eleven hour drive from Jonesboro, but we decided that we would make that trip rather than go by plane. When we flew to LA, we made the rookie mistake of leaving Analie's van parked at the airport. "It's just two nights, what could go wrong?" Every fucking thing, we learned. Someone broke into the van in broad daylight, not even two hours after we left. Luckily, there was CCTV footage, so insurance covered the broken window and the stereo that was literally ripped from the car.

Lesson. Learned.

Our friend, Xavier, lived in Charlotte, and he agreed to let us park our car in his driveway while we were on tour. With that sorted, it was only a matter of crashing at his place for the night, and arriving at the venue the next day.

It had been an incredibly long ride and only Madilyn, who could literally sleep anywhere, had managed to get any rest. Analie, Leah and I had driven in shifts, and were way too excited for sleep when it wasn't our turn. We were dead on our feet.

While Madilyn caught up with Xavier in the kitchen, the rest of us settled down in the living room. Analie and I took opposite sides of the sectional, and Leah opted to stretch out on the floor (though we had left a space for her on the couch). I had barely closed my eyes when my phone began ringing.

"Oh my Gooooooooddddd," I groaned, snatching up the phone, contemplating if tossing it across the room would damage it too badly.

As luck would have it, I glanced at the name on the caller ID before I threw it: Liam. I frowned, answering the phone.

"Hello," I sighed into the phone, trying not to sound as tired as I felt.

"Kat? Hi. I uh- yeah, I got bad news," Liam said, sounding hesitant, but frustrated.

I froze, any number of bad situations playing out in my head, "you're gonna tell me we drove all this way and they're canceling the tour, or something equally devastating, aren't you."

Leah and Analie perked up at this, looking equal parts exhausted and worried. Leah sat up, staring at me in curiosity.

He chuckled a little at that, "no, Kat. Thankfully, not. It's about the buses."

I frowned, "what's wrong with them?"

"Well... it's a bit complicated," he said slowly.

My brows shot up, "what do you mean by that?"

Leah cocked her head to one side, whispering loudly, "what did he say?"

I held up one finger, waiting for Liam to continue.

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