I smile at him. I think I can do this. It won't be as bad as I think it is, especially not when Brandon's cheering me on the entire time.

After we finish eating dinner, I go to lay down, but Brandon tugs my arm.

"Not just yet," he says.

I tilt my head as he pulls me through the house and grabs our coats. "Put your things on."

"Why? Where are we going?"

He hands me my shoes with a pretty smile on his face. "Where the dandelions grow."

The greenhouse on the roof, of course. Seems like we spend a lot of our time with the dandelions than inside our own apartment. or jobs.

I never let up a trip to see the dandelions. So, I get dress quickly and we make our way to the roof.

To no surprise, since it's the middle of December and almost Christmas, it's still snowing. The snow is beautiful, so pure, It reminds me of when I was a kid, my dad wasn't at his worst stage of drinking. He still blamed me for the death of my mom. He blamed me for something he most likely he knew didn't even happen. He too made me believe I had killed my own mom.

My own family was against me since I was born, setting me up for failure with a story that isn't true.

But the snow reminds me of my dad. A good memory obviously. One of the only good memories I have of him.

He was walking me to the park one day, holding my hand while I walked beside him at a young age. He didn't work at Happies yet. I think that's probably when things when he began working at happies.

The coldness was making my hands cold and my feet hurting from walking so much. I'm not sure where we were going, but now I do.

I remember exactly where we went.

My dad had picked me up when I started walking, and said, "I got you, girl."

"Feet hurt," I whined.

"I'll carry you. Were just a few more blocks away."

"Where are we going?"

"Hopefully to have you meet someone."

I was excited, I loved meeting new people, I had no idea who we were heading to meet, or where we were meeting them, but I was excited.

When my dad had stopped in front of a large house, his eyes had dropped. Everything in him looked sad; it worried me. What got dad so sad? I followed his eyes to the house with the house that looked abandoned. It wasn't taken care of at all, the grass was tall and there was garbage from people probably littering as they walked past.

"House?" I questioned him.

He nods. "Yeah, sweety, just a house."

"Someone inside to meet?"

He shook his head. "Not anymore, they're gone. It's just us two, Echo." He started walking away and I didn't think twice of it.

Now I remember the street. The house. The same street and house as the party Brandon and I went to.

I turn to Brandon and he notices my face. "Whats the matter?" He asks.

"It was theirs wasn't it?" I ask him . "The house the party was thrown at. It was my moms and issters."

He swallows and nods. "Yeah, it was."

I press my lips into each other and look down at my feet as I step on the thin layer of snow on the floor of the roof.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

I shake my head. "I already knew." I just didn't know I knew.

"What do you mean?"

"My dad took me there once when I was little. I didn't understand where we were going but when we got there the house was abandoned with overgrown lawns and broke porch. What I didin't know is he wanted to take me to met her, my mom." I look out at the scenery of New York City.

"He took me to meet her, but she moved away. With not a word."

Brandon speaks, "And that's why he told you she died during birth."

I nod. He barely had anything at the apartment to remind him of her. I always wondered why I couldn't find anything of her, it's why I didn't recognize her when I ran into her at the supermarket. But she clearly as keeping tabs on me. Yet no interest toa try to get to know me until my boyfriend attempted it. Pathetic.

Brandon wraps his arms around my body and hugs me. "They never deserved you, anyway. Look up at the sky for me."

I do what he says looking up to see a full moon in the sky, getting slightly covered by clouds, but still manages to shine through it all.

"It's a full moon," he says. "they remind me of you, especially when you can see them in bad weather."


"Because," He starts. "They shine right through anything. Just like you. You have shined through it all." He spins me around. "I know it's not Christmas yet, but I have a present for you."

"Really?" A smile appears on my face and my mom doesn't cross my mind again.

He nods and pulls out a small box. "I got this when you were at work. It's for you to wear when you're away."

He places the box in my hand, and I open it, immediately having my heard swell. Inside is a ring. In the very middle is a pretty, yellow flower. A dandelion.

"Wear it when you miss me," he says.

I take it out the box and slide it on my finger. "It's never coming off."


Who new the flight to the middle west would be so long. The hospital im going to is in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by barely anything but farms and older people.

It's weird to think I'm going to spend the rest of my next few years here. However, It's a beautiful place. It's quiet, unlike New York City's consistent noise and traffic. Here? The only that meets your ears is the birds chirping in the morning. It's relaxing to listen to. And something tells me it might not be too bad.

Something also tell that I might hate it and the people I meet here.

I turn to Brandon. "What If I hate it?"

"You will shine through it," He reminds me. "Remember,you're the moon."

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