17 - Kisses Everywhere

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Echo's POV

A couple weeks have past since I've moved into Brandon's apartment. I've never lived with anyone other than my dad and I never realized how fun it can be to enjoy living in a house with someone you don't hate.

Every morning since I've been here, Brandon has cooked me breakfast, or taken me to Ihop which I've discovered is my favorite food place. It's unbelievable how good their French toast is. And the pancake variation? It's heaven.

He's been working from home a lot more often, especially since he doesn't want to leave me home alone.

That said, I've got to experience how he is after he finishes work. Which, often, is not great.

Brandon enters his bedroom to me sitting crisscross on his bed watching a new show I discovered while I eat cut up strawberries. Brandon's large, long-sleeved shirt is the only thing covering up my body other than my underclothes. It's not unusual to be to be seen this unclothed to Brandon. He never makes me feel uncomfortable, or provocative.

I smile at him as he sulks. "Hi."

He drops onto bed, his head in my lap, and hugs my waist. "Hi gorgeous. Why are you still up? It's three in the morning."

I stoke his wild strands of hair. He says this every time I stay up and wait for him. And every time, he needs the comfort of my words. "I can't sleep without you," I softly admit. He hugs me tighter. "How was work?"

"The same as it always is; stressful. There are people going through so much shit and the most I can do is give them advice and try to tell them everything will be okay and sometimes I can't tell if I get through to them or not."

He slides up my body so that were glued to each other, our mouths to each other's ears. "You can only do so much and what you do now is your best. You can only hope the best happens for those people, like it did with me."

I hear a soft sniffle come from his nose. "God, I don't know what I'd do if you went through with it, Echo. I don't know if I could've lived with knowing I couldn't help you."

"But you did help me, more than anyone and you still do. And you help dozens of people all of the time." I pull our heads apart from each other and press my forehead into his as I smile brightly. "You're a literal hero, Brandon."

I swipe the flat of my thumbs over his tears, wiping them away.

He kisses me tenderly, with so much passion, then pulls back. "I'm so glad you said yes."

"I don't think there's a woman on Earth that would say no to being your girlfriend."

"There's only one woman's answer that I care about, and her beautiful self is laying in my bed right now." He kisses my neck, my ears, following the line of my jaw and I'm sent floating. The only sound replaying in my head is the sound of his kisses on my body, the slick of his tongue gliding across my skin. Down my neck, down my stomach.

"I can't wait to give you the world," he whispers on me as he crawls between my legs. I shut my eyes, my heart pounding against my chest. "Look at me."

His head sits with my thighs at his sides, and I let out a soft moan, holding onto his hair. He's asking me something, but I can hear it over the heartbeat thumping in my ear. He's never done anything more than make out with me since we've been living together and—my God, he has barely touched me, and I feel like I might faint.

The material between my legs is pulled back and I gasp as his breath hits the most tender area on my body.


"Answer me," I finally hear him say. "Can I give you your kisses here, too?" His lips are practically brushing against me making me wiggle and squirm with desire.

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