18 - For Her

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Brandon's POV

I don't know if I'm doing the right thing for her or if I'm doing the worst thing for both of us.

It's been a few days since Echo turned down my offer to see a therapist. I wasn't sure how it would go with her, but I can't really say I expected it to go easy. It's hard to open yourself up like that to someone you know, especially for someone like Echo. It took her months to get her where she is with me and I'm hoping I didn't risk any of that trust with her.

I can't help but think that our relationship is not the healthiest.

She depends entirely on me. Her happiest, her home, heart. I have it all in my hands and it's put more pressure on me than anything in the world.

I adore her more than life but with her current state, I fear she's one step away from shattering the happy bubble she's in.

For now, I'll let it be until I figure out the best way to go about it.

I answer Cole's call as I step out my bathroom. "What's up."

"Dude, there's this party later this week Ian and I are going to and a bunch of college people. It's costumed themed."

"Christmas is a month away."

"Yeahhhh, whatever. You coming or not there's gonna be hot chicks. You haven't gone out with us since you been here, get out your house, bro. It's an inside party too, so don't worry about the cold."

"Before you say anything else that would make me want to hang up on you, I have a girlfriend."

He gasps. "Oh shit, really? Echo? Now you both have to come so we can meet her!"

I only sigh, "I'll think about it." I'm not sure how Echo would feel about going to a party like that.

We end it off on that just as Echo walks into my bedroom. Her curls are braided in two braids down her head, the ends falling past her shoulders. As usual she's wearing my shirt to sleep and my pajamas frow cold it's been lately.

He looks at me curiously as she silently walks towards me laying on the bed. "Who was that?"

"My friend, Cole." She lays beside me, and I wrap one arm around her, giving her a quick peck on the lips. "He's going to a party, and he invited us."

He perks up. "Really?"

I nod. "Yeah, it's costume themed."

He grins. "Cool, so when are we going?"

I stumble on my words. "You... You want to go?"

She laughs. "Yeah, of course I want to go, it sounds like fun."

I smile at her. "Okay... Then we're going."


When I say I wish I never agreed to this, I mean it.

Echo is, oddly enough, excited about this party especially since she got to choose our outfits. She looks beautiful, her curls died with wax the shade of clouds to match the character, Storm. She wears a costume body suit with fishnet stockings to go with it. I don't think I could keep my pants from filling up for longer than a minute while she got dress in front of me. I'm still thinking about how she felt wrapped around me right before we left. I wish I could've stayed there the entire night. My gut tightens as I think about the way she calls my name when I'm buried inside her.

"Brandon?" Echo snaps me out of my head. I look at her beautiful self.

Me on the other hand is dressed up like a God. A knock off God.

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