Chapter 16 - Til' Death Do Us Part

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Daryl and Rachel's eyes snapped to one another when the familiar voice crackled through the radio clipped to Daryl's belt. Rachel dashed around to the other side of the car where Daryl stood, and they both froze, knowing that voice all too well.


"I said I can see you."

Rachel snatched the device from Daryl the second he took it off his belt. Whilst he held up his crossbow and started pointing it all around them protectively, Rachel held down the button to talk.

"Thomas," she exhaled. "Where are you?"

"Like I'm gonna tell you that with your boyfriend there," Thomas scoffed. "Just know that I can see exactly where you are right now."

"Why call out if you're not gonna tell me where you are?" Rachel asked, trying to keep her tone neutral.

One wrong word or move, and Thomas could cut off and run. She needed to keep him talking.

"Because I've been waiting for you to show up," Thomas replied. "Was kinda hoping you'd be alone, but I knew you probably wouldn't be."

Rachel could hear crying behind Thomas' voice, and her heart was breaking, knowing that it was Mya in the room with him- wherever he was. 

"Is Mya okay?" she asked, her voice shaking. 

"She's barely stopped crying since she woke up in the car," Thomas sighed. "I ain't stupid. I know she's crying for you."

"Then tell me where you are, I'll come to you."

"I can't do that, Rach," Thomas mumbled. "You guys will kill me the second you find me. Just from where I'm standing, I can feel the death glare Dixon has, and he doesn't even know where I am."

Rachel looked over at Daryl, seeing him glancing up at a building opposite the other end of the alley. It was some sort of high-rise hotel, windows going all the way up about twenty or so levels. Subtly, without making it too obvious that they had spotted the building, Daryl and Rachel slowly moved back, so they were hidden from view if that really was where Thomas was hiding. 

Swallowing nervously, Rachel was staring at the back of Daryl's head, feeling guilty as she replied to Thomas. 

"I'll come to you alone."

At that, Daryl's head whipped around to look at her. He wanted to protest, tell Rachel how he wasn't going to let her go anywhere alone, especially to a man that was going to hurt her. But she gave Daryl a look that told him to wait before he said anything. His lips pressed together as he took a deep breath, eyes locked with hers as she kept talking. 

"You and me, we can talk," she cleared her throat. "Just the two of us."

There was a long silence, and Rachel grew nervous with every passing second until Thomas finally came back with something. 

"What about your boyfriend down there?"

"Daryl's just gone to take out some of the dead," Rachel lied, still looking into Daryl's eyes. "Right now, it's just me and you. So, talk."

There was another pause, but Thomas still had the button on his walkie pressed down because Rachel could still hear his breathing, Mya crying in the background. 

"I'll talk to you. Only you."

"Okay," Rachel didn't miss a beat.

"Look, it's clear you ain't ever gonna stop searching for Mya, and she'd never gonna stop crying for you," Thomas mumbled. "If you swear Daryl ain't listening..."

Don't Lie to Me | Daryl Dixonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें