Chapter 5 - Welcome Party

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Daryl and his group were sat out on the porch of their shared house. The sky was clear as the moonlight shone down, illuminating the town. The porchlights were a warm white, and there was a very faint and quiet electrical hum coming from the bulbs.

"So, did Rachel tell you anythin'?" Rick asked, sitting at the table across from his son, Carl.

"Told me about how they handled supply runs and stuff," Daryl replied, his voice a mumble as he took a drag of his cigarette. "Apparently, they only go places they know they'll get stuff. Ain't ones for explorin'."

"I talked to that Thomas guy earlier, he's on construction," Abraham Ford commented, his arm around Rosita Espinosa as they sat on the porch steps. "Seems like a decent enough guy. Said his girl goes out by herself usually."

"Hmm," Daryl nodded. "Does her own thing by the sounds of it."

"Kinda like you," Carl commented. "Is she nice?"

Daryl shrugged. "She's alright. Not half as naive as these other folks 'round here."

"I asked around," Rick said. "Most of these people have never been outside the walls since they got here at the very start. That's dangerous. If we're gonna stick around, we have to change that."

"I talked to Deanna today," Carol mentioned as she sat beside Daryl on the swing. "So far, I think she's happy with us. She wanted us here to make this place better, so we can at least try and do that."

"These people are lucky," Rick nodded. "And now we're here, they're even luckier. We can make changes, and this place could work out."

"What if Deanna doesn't agree with all the changes?" Carl asked.

"Maybe Daryl can talk to his new best friend," Rosita smirked. "Get her to speak to Deanna for us."

Daryl glared at the Hispanic woman. "She ain't my friend."

"You said she was nice," Abraham reminded him.

"No, I said she was alright," Daryl corrected. "And anyway, no. Can't just use her as a back channel."

Whilst the suggestion made sense in theory, Daryl didn't feel comfortable with the thought of going to Rachel and trying to get her on side of his group behind Deanna's back. She didn't strike him as the type of person who'd appreciate being used.

"No, Daryl's right," Rick agreed. "It's only been a day. We can wait a little while, play it cool with everyone here. Then, when the time's right, we do what we have to."

The group started to filter off inside, calling it a night. Daryl remained outside, staring straight ahead at the Dawson household. He watched through a window as a light was switched on in one of the rooms upstairs in the house, the light seeping through the edges of the curtains. After about ten seconds, the light turned off again.

Carol was still sat beside Daryl, watching his curiously as he looked at the blue house across the road. "What's up with you?"

"Huh?" Daryl asked.

"You've been quiet since you got back earlier," Carol explained. "Did something happen out there?"


"So, what's the problem?"

"Nothin'," Daryl shrugged, taking a final drag of his cigarette before putting it out on the ashtray beside him. "This place is just odd."

"Well, I'll give you that," Carol sighed. "You think you'll head out with Rachel again?"

"Maybe," he said in a low voice. "She said she always goes on her own. Ain't like she needs help."

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