A new start

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[hey! If you haven't yet, I recommend you to read part one first so that this makes sense.]

It had been a few hours since minko's death, mikosa has buried her in the back garden. And after that Mikosa packed up all her things and left. But...before she left, she walked around the now blooded house. 

As she walked around, she looked at everything. The dinner table that her and minko had ate at, the living room that they would do arts and crafts at, the bedroom that they had shared countless sleepless nights together chatting away, and lastly the porch. The porch that they had always watched the sunset from. But as Mikosa was looking at the porch she noticed something. Something shiny.

As mikosa walked over to the item and picked it up, she discovered that it was a necklace, a necklace she had never seen before. 

It was a beautiful cross necklace. It was made of metal, the details on it were amazing..there was a bit of blood on it, Mikosa wiped the blood of to see the details of the necklace better...but as mikosa held the necklace she felt a sense of evil that belonged to the necklace. But..for some reason she felt drawn to it. She decided to put it in her pocket for now but..something about it..it just threw her off a little. But now. She had a new goal, to avenge her sister, to avenge her village. She's going to be become vampire slayer.



                                                Chapter one of part two has ended 

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