Chapter 1

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"May! May! May!"

Multiple knocks filled the entire bedroom before it stopped and went silent for a second as May felt someone had climbed on her bed and started jumping up and down beside her. She forced herself to open her eyes only to glare at the culprit who ruined her sleep.

"Get off my bed, you're gonna break it." She weakly but sternly said, slowly gaining the energy to wake up. But the shaking on her bed did not stop there. "Taehyung, I swear to god-"

"What? Are you gonna tell grandma on me?" The boy sarcastically said as he jumped off her bed. "Anyway, didn't you say you have a class this morning? Get up now or you'll be late, it's only the first day of the semester after all."

Taehyung and May were cousins who had grown so close together as they had lived at their grandmother's practically all their lives and it just so happened that they were going to the same university. He had offered for them to share an apartment and naturally she agreed to it as it saved them a lot more with that living arrangement than to live separately.

"Now now, don't be a baby," Taehyung said as death glares were being shot at him. "I'm heading out to class now, oh and I also got some croissant if you want to have some. It's on the kitchen counter. I'll see you later." He ruffled her already messy hair before leaving her alone in her bedroom.

She sighed and sat up in her bed. As much as she hated it, she knew Taehyung was right, she was gonna be late if she spent even just another minute in bed. Although it was her final year of college already, she couldn't seem to shake away the 'first day of school' jitters.

She finished showering and stood in front of the mirror to do her morning routine skincare. She couldn't help but feel proud of how long she had come to look this pretty. Call it narcissistic but she felt like she owed it to herself to look beautiful. She owed it to stupid insecure little May. As she stared at her reflection, she saw her 13-year-old self, a chubby girl with an unkempt appearance. She involuntarily shuddered and instantly shifted her focus on something else. It didn't matter anymore. 'I am pretty now. Everyone likes me now. No matter where I went, all eyes were always on me. I'm confident now.' She thought to herself. She was not who she was before and she would do whatever it took to keep that version of herself as far away as possible in the back of her mind.


"Are you in class already?????" The text notification from Taehyung appeared on May's phone screen. She lazily typed a reply while walking to inform her overly paranoid cousin that she was indeed in class already. Upon arriving in the lecture hall of a class, she noticed that the lecturer was not there yet but students had filled up most of the seats so she chose one of the two empty seats near the back of the room.

Her eyes almost automatically scanned the room and she notes that she had never seen half of the people in there. It was like that every semester; she was always meeting new people in class. Although it might also be because of the overwhelmingly large population of students in the university and her lack of social life outside of class, aside from random hookups from parties and clubs, but she preferred it to be that way. It was more comfortable that way. Not that she didn't have any friends, she did. Except, they were Taehyung's friends that she was always forced to see everytime they were over at the apartment or when he would drag her out to hangout with them.

The lecturer arrived after 10 minutes and began to introduce himself and the module. It never got easy to listen to a monotone, almost zombie-like speech from another lecturer but she still tried her best to focus until she noticed someone sitting next to her, arriving late to class. She tried to not pay much attention to the person beside her but it was practically impossible. They were making too much noise while frantically taking out their stuff from their bag pack.

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