★Facing Rejection - Sapnap

Start bij het begin

"I think you're reading him wrong, ask him out on a date or something dude!" Skeppy exclaims, patting my arm.

"I'm like 90 percent sure he's not into me" I say with a huff as we walk along.

"I dunno dude, the way he introduced me to you.. I thought you guys were already dating till I asked" Kreek says and I sigh.

"Fine. After dinner, I'll ask him on a date to get drinks with me tonight" I say with a tired huff as we head off to go grab some dinner from a fast food place nearby.

When we settle on Wendy's, I text Dream to let him know. It's about twenty minutes before the other three arrive with Bad follow behind.

Bad greets Skeppy with a hug and a not so subtly kiss to the side of his cheek, which causes a vibrant blush to flush across his cheeks.

"Damn, more bold than those two" I say, leaning closer to Skeppy as I point to George and Dream.

Dream as his arm around George's waist as they look over the menu, hands joined together and being tucked into George's pocket. A classic for the couple.


"Karl.. can I talk to you real quick, just me and you?" I ask softly, causing the conversation of the group to die down a little.

"Sure, let's step outside" Karl says as he gathers his trash whilst getting up.

He throws it out as we step outside of the Wendy's. We have been sitting there for well over an hour now as everyone ate and talked together.

"So.. what did you wanna talk about?" Karl asks as we lean against the window.

The sun started to set a good half an hour ago and now the day has grown cold. I shiver as a breeze blows through.

"Umm.. well, I'm sure you've noticed.. but.. I have quite strong feelings for you.. and I was wondering if-" I begin, struggling to make eye contact with Karl throughout the confession.

"Sap.. no I can't. I'm sorry, I don't.. I'm not.. I don't feel the same, I have platonic feelings for you but that's it" Karl says softly and I hum.

"Yeah.. okay, um.. yeah.. you don't need to be sorry.. it's alright.. I'm just.. gonna stay here and get some air, but erh.. don't worry about it" I say and Karl nods.

"Okay.. well.. we're still good friends, this doesn't change anything for me. I hope it doesn't affect our friendship" Karl says before patting my shoulder. He exhales, clearly fighting the urge to hug me before he enters the Wendy's again.

I exhale heavily, leaning back against the glass. I sniffle, fighting back the tears as I try to gather my thoughts. I wipe my eyes, rubbing the palms of my hands harshly into them.

"Okay.. alright.. get yourself together man.. you expected this" I say to myself, exhaling heavily. I sniffle, trying to calm myself down.

I pull myself together a bit more, calming my breathing back down whilst clearing away any snots and tears before I go back in to join the others. My mood is sour and just low during the rest of the hang out before we go to grab some drinks.

"Guess it went bad..?" Skeppy asks as he buys me my first drink.

"Yeah, he said no before I could even ask" I say softly and Skeppy frowns.

"I'm sorry about that, I really thought he was into you" he says as Bad clings onto Skeppy with a drink in hand.

"Let's get you wasted and maybe find you a cutie to hook up with" Bad says with a small laugh. He's got a moderate alcohol tolerance.

"Mm.. not a good idea" I say, shaking my head. "Plus, my type is a skinny dom. It's hard to find them" I say with a laugh and Bad gasps.

"You could sleep with Skeppy!" He exclaims with a laugh.

"Are you trying to prostitute me out to our sad friend?" Skeppy asks with a huff and Bad shrugs.

"I don't mind.. as long as I get to watch" Bad says with a shrug. "Skeppy is a switch, he doesn't mind giving. Taking, demanding, submitting. The whole lot" Bad says with a grin.

"Okay, I'm not going to sleep with your Skeppy.. mostly because it feels wrong and yes, he's a very pretty man.. I'm not attracted to him. I am going to throw myself a pity party with a few drinks" I say and Bad shrugs.

"Alright, more for me" he says with a grin before kissing Skeppy's neck.

"Cheer up loser!' George exclaims, stumbling over already clearly drunk.

"Dude, I got rejected by the guy who flipped my entire world view upside down. I'm allowed to be sad" I say with a huff and George snorts.

"Wow, you shoulda known he was mine all along!" George exclaims with a cackle as he leans on the bar, beginning to tease me some more.

"George.. I'm really not in the mood for your shit" I say with a huff and George's face falls.

"Shit dude.. you're really down about this.. alright, drinks on me tonight" George says as he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

All the drinks I have over the night are brought by someone else trying to cheer me up and it works. By the time we're leaving, drunken giggles are falling from between my lips as I stumble back to my hotel room.

I crash on the bathroom floor with a cushion from the bed for the night and wake up with a wild hangover and an overwhelming wave of sadness as I remember the rejection I was faced with the day before.

Thankfully after today I won't be seeing Karl face to face for a bit so I can move on and work on myself. George is less of a dick during the day, but that could just be because of his hangover which is definitely worse than mine.

It'll take time, but I should be able to move on and find love again. Being rejected definitely helps the moving on process.


Word count - 1575

Hello cubs, I hope you all enjoyed this one shot! Have a wonderful day or night. :)

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