★My New Pants! - Karl

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Warning this chapter may contain inappropriate language and mature content.

CW - dysphoria, menstrual cycle, second hand embarrassment

Channel(s) - Karl, Sapnap, Dream, Jimmy (MrBeast), Chandler, Chris

Trans ftm Karl


Karl's pov

"Morning Karl" Chandler says softly as we walk in to the warehouse. By we I mean me, Sapnap and Dream.

Dream finally agreed to leave the house to join us on set for the MrBeast video. Me and Sapnap spent a good two hours last night convincing him it'll be fine, he can pose as a new camera man for the video since we're filming a last to take their hand off. But with a huge pile of different goodies.

There's phone's, laptops, TVs, gaming set up, prize money in briefcases. There's loads of stuff worth the win. There's also going to be bribes and stuff though out to get people put but make their participation time worth it.

All the prizes are in a large container with a white sheet over. Everyone has to place one hand on the create, if it comes off then you're out.

"I've brought the ultimate camera man Dream with me, he's going to be mine and Sapnap's personal camera man for anxiety reasons he's only filming us when we do stuff, he doesn't want his face being caught on camera and stuff" I explain, walking to Jimmy and he hums.

"Great to finally meet you Dream" Jimmy days, shaking his hand.

"Right back at you Jimmy, hope you don't mind me calling you that" Dream says softly. He's well spoken and very calm compared to how Sapnap rushes through his words and you have to listen quite hard to catch the whole sentence the first time round.

"Of course it's fine, just to run it over with you.. Jake here is going to give you a basic run down of our cameras and how to use them. It's simple, you'll get the hang of it real quick" Jimmy explains, pointing to Jake who looks up at the mention of his name.

"We're gonna go meet the people, go pick who we secretly want to win. Jake is really sweet, he talks a little slow though when he's nervous" I explain and he nods.

Sapnap gently pats Dreams shoulder before walking off with me. When we come back, Dream had his hood up and face mask covering the majority of his lower face whilst he looks at the camera in his hands.

"All sorted?" Sapnap asks softly as we approach him.

"Um yeah, just one more thing. I really have to take a leak, could you point me in the direction of the toilets?" Dream asks and Sapnap looks to me.

"You hold the camera, I'll take him" Sapnap then says and I hum, taking the expensive piece of equipment from the male who's going off to use the restroom real quick.


"So, what are you going to do with all this stuff if you win?" I ask softly, sitting on top of the white sheet covered create of things.

"Christmas gifts, we've been struggling with getting work and my kids are still young.. can't tell the kids they were naughty so Santa skipped them, this honestly would be great.. even just couple hundred dollars would be enough to satisfy them" this single dad named Todd explains and I hum.

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