★A Little Green - Sapnap

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Warning this chapter may contain inappropriate language and mature content.

CW - second hand embarrassment, emetophobia

Channel(s) - Sapnap, Karl, Punz, Foolish, Dream, GeorgeNotFound


Sapnap's pov

"You sure you're okay to do this recording Sap?" Karl asks softly and I hum, sipping at a newly opened bottle of water.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I'm streaming after this as well if you wanna join" I say softly and Karl sighs but nods his head.

"Yeah okay, just let me know if you're not okay" Karl says softly, tapping a pen against his desk.

"I'll be fine" I say with a huff before we get into a call with Jimmy and a few others to film a Minecraft video.


"Alright! Hi chat, I'm going to be playing some games with friends. Just gonna chill, play some Gang Beasts and get mad at one another" I say with a laugh.

I look through chat as everyone flows in, spamming greetings and emotes. I wave to the camera, ignoring the churning that follows with the movement of my body.

"Alright, let me notify the boys and we'll hop into a vc with them. No Dream and George, they're doing 'quote unquote date night' and I wasn't invited" I say with a forced laugh, knowing that I decided to give them space because I've been feeling rather out of place with them.

I join the voice call that I left everyone in to start my stream up, screaming loudly as I join.

"Hello boys, are we ready?" I ask softly, leaning back in my chair to relieve some pressure on my stomach.

"Yeah! I'm gonna beat your ass!" Punz exclaims down his mic and I wince at the headache that had set in during the recording earlier.

"Bet!" I exclaim, switching my screens so my face cam is in the corner and the game is on the full screen.

"I was surprised when Sapnap asked me to stream with him, I thought he'd be spending as much time with Dream and George as he could" Foolish says with a soft laugh as we pick out our characters and colours.

"Well. Those two lovers are having a date night on the couch. Even Patches was kicked out" I say with a soft laugh, feeling jealousy and nausea swirl in my stomach.

"Sounds about right" Karl says with a soft laugh. "It's alright, we can have our own date night after streaming" Karl says fondly and I hum.

"Sounds good with me, can I pick the first movie?" I ask softly and Karl hums.

"Sure, as long as it's not horror" Karl says and I hum.

"I'm thinking.. comedy" I say with a nod.

"Perfect, romance might make me sad cause we can't cuddle. But we're definitely watching an anime after the movie" Karl says and I nod.

"Alright, into the game!" I exclaim, sitting up after having sunk down in my chair.


"Are you alright Sapnap? You're looking.. I don't know.. a little green" Foolish says softly and Karl groans.

"You said you'd tell me if you weren't feeling great" Karl says and I huff.

Dream SMP ~«One Shots 2»~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن