"No, I said no one. If she gets together with anyone, she chooses it herself."

Gally comes between the two Gladers. "Come on, come on. Minho is right. It is a stupid and useless idea... Because we all know that I'm gonna win."

"What?!" Minho and I say at the same time. But before we could stop them, two already started fighting.

I start looking around for Alby or Newt. They could stop them. But I can't find them anywhere.

The boys keep fighting, one against one and then the winners against each other.

Minho pulls me closer to him. "Listen, no need to panic. They're not going to do anything to you. Alby will be here soon, and otherwise, I'll protect you."

I give him a hug because I am starting to panic. I really don't know if they're just joking or not.

But I have Minho to protect me, and if something happens, Alby will punish them or even abandon them. So, I need to calm down.

After some time, only two Gladers were left to fight. The guy who started it, and Gally.

I didn't expect this from Gally. He's not always the most friendly, but he never let a guy touch me, and now this.

I hope they fight forever, I don't want to know what can happen if it's over.

The boys start counting. "1..2..3..4.." There's a boy on the ground, and if he doesn't get up in time, the other wins.

"We have a winner!" I hear somebody scream. It's Gally.

"I told you guys I would win. It's such a waste of time."

Gally is coming closer to where I'm sitting, and he kneels down in front of me.

"Gally, you can't do anything to Y/n that she doesn't want to," Minho says to him. "I thought you were better than this man."

But Gally ignores him and looks at me. "No need to worry, I don't want anything to do with you."

Wait. What's happening?

He continues: "But those guys did, so I had to make sure I won. Luckily, I'm the best."

"Wait a second," I say. "You only fight with them so they won't do anything? Not because you want something from me?"

"Of course, I don't want something from you. This was just more fun than just telling them to shut up."

"Wow, thank you," I say. "Just next time, tell me the plan, please."

"Yeah, sorry," Gally laughs. "Guess I scared you a little."


It's about an hour later now and I'm getting a bit bored. It's been fun, but now Minho's talking with the other Runners, and everyone's busy with someone else.

I look around and see Newt sitting against a tree trunk. He's alone and with his back to the bonfire. He's just looking at the walls in the darkness.

Maybe this is the perfect moment to go and talk to him.

~~End of Y/n's pov~~

Y/n sits down next to Newt. He knows it's her but he doesn't look. He still doesn't want to talk to her.

It's not that Newt's mad at her. It's that she said something about the bandage around his wrist. It made upset him. He never wants to talk about it and tries to ignore it himself.

"Hey, Newt," Y/n says carefully. "I wanted to talk to you for a day now, but there was no good moment."

Newt looks down as he answers: "Now isn't the good time either. It's the bonfire, and you're the guest of honor. So just go back to the party."

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن