Chapter 2: The Good Doc

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Missions by missions, for a good year, Orion has proved himself to be a hero in the battlefield, saving wounded soldiers, bringing them to safety and pulled them out of the battlefield be it on the floor or on his back in a fireman carry. Even sustaining injuries to himself, Orion put his soldiers first before him, in a recent mission, he had to lead is soldiers, proving his rank and ended up getting a promotion to Captain before Pedro, earning his place in the company second in command. As weird as it is for a pacifist to be in command, Orion had to accept it as it was a given position by the higher ups. 

"It is now 25th April 2540, Captain Orion has spend a good year with us, not getting a single kill but he made sure, our number don't dwindle much," Major Jason Livingstone raise his pint of beer to congratulate Medic Captain Orion. 

Orion however, don't drink, so he just stood there awkwardly as everyone gulp down their beers. Orion had his head high up because he felt at home. Under the light of the moon of a far away planet, Orion sat on a passenger warthog by himself, sitting on the sit at back left looking towards the town, not wanting to get in the middle of a drunken pit. Above him he saw a frigate descending, with a pelican coming out of the hangar, flying towards the camp.

"Hm, Savannah, nice name for a frigate.... I should go back just in case," Orion turned the engine on and drove back to the camp, to see a familiar Commander. 

Approaching Commander Ryker, he gave a salute. The in commands were summoned to the meeting room, a tipsy Major Livingstone and a very drunk Lieutenant Alejandro, hesitantly walk with the commander. Entering the meeting room, Pedro fell to the floor not before hitting the chair, tearing his lips and was bleeding. Orion, taken a oath as a medic, had to help clean Pedro up, even after a lot of shoving and pushing away, Orion had to make sure he patched him up.

"Alright Captain, you are the only sober one here, I trust that you to give this message your team of misfits here?" Commander Ryker asked

"Yes sir," Orion answered confidently

"In a weeks time, we will have our last campaign together, to take the control of a vital innies base camp, after that.... My ODSTs are needed somewhere, your soldiers will be entrusted back to the marines, Echo Company will not be a back up nor a partner to the Shadow Legion anymore," Commander Ryker spoke downheartedly. 

"Understood the first sir however, begging the Commander's pardon, why has the Shadow Legion been reassigned, sir?" Orion asked out of curious.

"That is classified Captain Orion, I don't have the authorization to disclose that information, good luck man," Commander Ryker held Orion's shoulder and nodded before taking his leave. 

Orion turned around to his officers both passed out and snoring, shaking his head, he walked out to see the Commander re-entering the pelican, he then left and flew back to the frigate. Orion then saw a very drunk Elise, walking towards him wobbly. Orion immediately ran to her and held her up and close to his chest.

"Oriioooooooon, you were such a good tongue kisser just now," Elise slurring her words, which cause Orion to be in shocked.

"Elise, I didn't.... kiss you just now?" Orion said in a slightly angered tone

"Yes you diiiiiiid, befoooooore you *hiccups* entering the meeeeeeeting room... I know it's you because you haaaaave, 2 ssssssilver bars on yo- *hiccups -ur collar f-for captain... w-wait.... fffffffffour b-bars?! A-are you a sssssuper captain?" Drunk Elise continued

Orion sighed in anger knowing who kissed her and wiped her lips, "I'm washing your mouth, tongue and throat... This is why I hate alcohol love," Orion continued angrily. 





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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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