Void tightened his grip, " Mi amor, every child is worth it. And I am sure Gravedigger just wanted to help. "

The smaller Titan pushed himself away as he yelled, "By what!? Being a menace?! Forcing us to stay with the scum because he couldn't keep things to himself and pull a tower down with him?! By disrespecting his family!? You know how much this is hurting Frost Spirit... That poor boy barely accepted that his father will not be coming back and now we are digging skeletons again? You saw how Sinister reacted. How long do you think it is 'till he finally snaps, Void?! "

The man stayed silent looking forlornly into the distance. Swordmaster took a deep breath, pulling Void back into his arms. He cupped his cheek as he watched the Titans eyes. They were foggy, almost teary. The Titan stepped forward, carefully choosing his next words,
"My love, that boy is tearing our family apart with his actions and you cannot deny it. The best we can do for our family is stay away from that damned portal. No more playing with it. Losing people is not what we want. We have to stick together now more than ever... Right?"

Void admitted defeat after some comsideration, "Your... Your logic is sound, my dear. I'll... talk with Medic tomorrow and tell her to stop everything. I... can't afford to lose another son... Those awful Towers already took away two.."

He pushed a few tears back at the last sentence. As much as his heart wanted to continue the search...to bring back Fallen King and Grave... Maybe even Krampus if there is any hope left... He needed to be realistic... They are not coming back and now two boys lost their fathers because of one too stubborn to listen to those around him... A careless act.
The hand pressing on his shoulder grounded Void from his thoughts. It was Swordmaster encouraging him to return back to their bedroom.
He obliged, this whole ordeal was nothing short of exhausting.
Thankfully, he fell asleep quickly in the arms of his lover. Though, the lingering thoughts about his son never left him fully. There was still many things to be said especially after their last.... "talk".


"What do ya' MEAN we won't search for 'em?!" shouted the Lord of the Pumpkin Patch making all of the surrounding Towers and Titans flinch.
He was angry. No. Furious! How could they stop now when they were so close to getting that portal opened?! So close to finding his brother and nephew! How dare they suggest such a thing! And from his father no less!

Void sat up from his seat across the table, hands calmly pointing at Sinister to ease back, "Sinister please, you have to understand it is too dangerous! What if it closes again mid way? We will lose many more lives!"

"Why are ya' talking about 'em like they DIED!?! We know NOTHING! They could be just fine! Waiting for us to help 'em!" he pressed loudly.
He couldn't wrap his head around it! Why now!!? When all they had to do was cast the spell?! After all the repairs it took to get it functional?!
They are right there!!

Void lowered his head, "And just as well they could be gone, Sinister! No one guarantees us that if we go through the trouble of activating it we actually find them, let alone alive!"

"Are ya' seriously giving up on yer' own son and grandson?!!"

As Void bit back a threatening tear, backing down from his son's challenge. Instead, Swordmaster stood up, "That BOY was never meant to be one of us in the first place! And that FOOL of a father of his should have known better than to abandon his other son for a kid that does not even belong to him!" he pointed angrily towards Molten, who sunk into his chair as he barely held himself together. Frost grabbed his hand, squeezing it for reassurance.
This was definitely not the best way to start off his recovery. First day out of the hospital room straight into a blazing argument. Poor child.

"WHAT did ya' jus' call MY BROTHER?!" Lord Sinister screeched, eyeing the elder Titan viciously. His golden eyes turning almost as red as an open fire, even the tips of his locks started to lit up, tipical for a fire Titan.

Swordmaster looked down on him as he spoke, venom filling his words,
"You heard me Sinister, that brother of yours was nothing more than a clown for believing he should sacrifice his life for a miscreant"

"HEY! Do NOT talk about Gravedigger like tha'! Tha' little kid got more courage than either of you old coots!
He did what neither of us even thought was possible! Let alone even attempt! And ya' will eat yer' words when they come back with Krampus!"

Swordmaster laughed sourly, "Oh. You are sooo sure they will? Sinister, you are just as ignorant as your oldest brother.. They belived they could achieve the impossible and look where they are now."

Sinister balled his fists before yelling, "OH SHUT IT YA' OLD GEEZER!"

Void Reaver raised his voice as he warned, "Sinister that is enough! Do not talk to him like that!"

The younger Titan turned back swiftly, "Oh ya' can SHUT it too! Jus' because you and Fallen had a fight doesn't mean he deserves to DIE!"

"Sinister, I never said that" growled Void, he too was starting to get irritated much to the dismay of the Towers who had nothing to say. Medic watched quietly, she knew not to intervene at a time like this.

"Ohhh but ya' suure meant it!" he spit back red eyes locking with his father's own purple ones. Void clenched his teeth, revealing his unusually sharp fangs. But that did not scare Sinister as he closed the distance between him and Void. Puffing his chest to size his father up, as he continued.

"And ya' know what?! He was right! Ya' were never there! Not even when Krampus disappear'd the first time! So why do you care so much now?! Why would you want to stop the search if we are so close to finding them?! Unless... you are still mad at Fallen for sticking up to you! For giving you a piece of his mind after he had suffered so many years silently! "

The room grew even more quiet than before, this subject was one not many knew about. Almost like a forbbiden language. Not even the child Titans knew how to take it, as they looked between each other for answers.
Sinister kept his eyes locked with his father. Quickly he glanced back at the boys, when he heard a whimper.
Creator, how scared they looked. Especially, little Molten, that boy was on the verge of tears. Frost Spirit stared back at him almost ready to dart out of the room with Ducky who froze in place. Sinister calmed himself at the sight, leaving his father's side as he sorowfully walked over to the kids. He kneeled, pulling all three of them into an embrace. He felt Molten tremble a little as he kept himself from crying... He felt Ducky snuggle closer, finally finding safety... He felt Frost Spirit let his guard down after all the ruckus with his father. This made him hug them even tighter as he too fought back his own tears.

"Ya'... Ya' kids shouldn't have seen this.." he whispered, resting his head on Molten's, gently.

Medic took the opportunity to end the meeting there, dismissing those present. It clearly was a more deeply rooted personal issue that needed to be resolved before they could continue. She ordered the troops to keep searching for any distress signals and to ready their equipment should they need it. Since Swordmaster is the only one able to perform the spell for opening the portal it was only him who must be convinced to do so. But that can wait another day... She was confident the missing people can survive just fine behind the closed realm... With how highly Sinister spoke of Gravedigger she too felt almost comforted by the idea that he would bring back everyone safely.

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