Chapter 12

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 The girl would get up from crouching and hold out her hand, as if to help him up. Ghale would slowly lift his hand up, and the girl would swiftly take it and pick him off the ground to his feet. Ghale would immediately be disorientated from this, but try to keep his balance when the girl speed walked through this hellish hole filled wasteland. As Ghale was being pulled, he would notice this place was actually underwater. There would be large coral trees and ruins everywhere. Ghale would notice in the distance a large dome of void seemingly randomly there. Ghale would realize the girl stopped and look both ways of where they stopped. Ghale would soon figure out she was looking for danger. She crouched near a rock, grabbing Ghale and forcing him to crouch when a large, white creature with long, sharp claws trudged by, growling and looking kind of like the monster the others were chasing. Ghale would realize there was long, brown coral growing out of its back as it trudged the other way. The girl would look at Ghale and point to his lips then make a "shush" motion with one of her hands. She would then continue to walk the way the creature came from, now half running. As they ran, Ghale's bell would ring muffled, as if weakened by something. The girl would stop running and look at Ghale's waist, petrified. "Don't mind it, please. I am anything but a Non Believer." The girl would seem as if she didn't believe this and would pull her sword off her waist, shaking as she held it out in a defensive stance. Ghale would step a few steps back, not wanting to fight someone, especially in an unfamiliar place. "I swear it, I'm not- '' He would be cut off as the girl pointed at something behind him. Ghale would notice that the blue Underling was out of his body, grinning and looking at the girl. "How the hell did you get out?" The Underling would look at Ghale laughing as if it was some joke. "This is a part of my home! Why couldn't I get out? Remember, I'm an Underling!" Ghale would shutter, hoping there was nobody else this strong lurking around here. Ghale would notice the girl's jaw would drop. She would mutter very gentle words, as if unable to speak. "You're.. With.. That thing..?" Ghale would barely be able to make out her words over the lurking ambience of this place, but was able to hear her say her last three words. "No, he's like a disease. Won't leave." After Ghale spoke, he would turn around and look at the Underling. "Are you gonna go now or something? If so, please do." After saying this, the Underling would close its eyes and would kneel on the sandy floor, absorbing the surrounding Reservoir in the ground. Ghale would be in shock as the sand would be absorbed with the Underling, as if the sand was Reservoir itself. The Underling after a few seconds of this would then get up and breathe in. "Finally.. I'm back..." Ghale would see that the Underling now looked much more human. He was clearly male, having short black hair and reddish, glowing eyes. His face would be marked with a glyph that looked almost like the one that showed Kyrie's secret. He would have two horns on his head, black as night. His nails wouldn't be dull, but incredibly sharp and long. His skin would be white and almost as pale as the girl still watching in horror. The Underling would lift up his arms and hands, admiring his new claws and body. "This is so much better! I feel alive! Ready to kill! Ahaha!" The Underling would exclaim happily as he looked at his new body. Ghale would slowly start to back away from the medium sized dune the Underling has made. Ghale would turn his head and look at the girl, trying to signal that he was gonna run. The girl nodded and turned around, running very fast. Ghale would follow suit, immediately turning around and follow her. After only a few seconds of running, Ghale could hear a sudden blow behind him, and the Underling would land in front of them both, laughing maniacally. "I might be an Elder Rogue, but that doesn't mean I'm nice to apprentices!" The Underling would summon a purple glyph that would create an ax. The ax would slowly change color until it looked red. The ax would be double headed, making it a BattleAx. The BattleAx would start to slowly drip a red liquid from the heads, as if it was crying or bleeding. "My specialty for you kids.. Bleeding Tears!" The Underling would grab hold of the ax, rushing towards Ghale. Ghale would panic, swiftly pulling out his sword from its holster and would barely block the hit. Multiple sparks immediately put out by water would blast out of the strike. Ghale would be pushed back by the heavy amount of knockback the blow had, and his sword looked as if it bent by just a little. Ghale would push the Underling off him and Ghale would take a few steps back, catching his breath. Ghale would summon his glyph as quickly as he could and summoned Light's Bane, shooting the three replicas at the Underling. The Underling would Grin as he dodged the sword, breaking them in half one by one. Ghale's mind would start to race. How was he going to beat a literal demon? He was too weak and he knew his bell wouldn't work on it as his bell was holding the Underling mere moments ago. As Ghale thought about his bell, he would notice it was gone from his waist. Ghale now realized that his bell was not only a curse, but the Underling himself. Ghale's racing would be cut off by the sudden dash of the Underling rushing towards him to strike again. Ghale would crouch under the attack, swiftly stabbing the leg of the Underling. The Underling would roar in pain, turning back as he passed Ghale. The Underling now had an angry expression on his face. "Okay then, we're done playing."

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