Chapter 7

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Ghale would take out his sword hesitantly from its holster. He would stare at his opponent, a large rock beast nearly six times his size, groaning silently and dryly. To his left, Dreg would be watching silently far away. Ghale would shake his head lightly, gripping his sword more firmly. It would soon make a slight hum for a split second, letting Ghale know it was ready for commands. Ghale would go into a stance, and would run up to the living rock. The monster would focus steadily on Ghale, slowly walking towards him as well as he ran. Ghale would slide under the monster, climbing its back almost immediately and slicing the back of its neck as hard as he could. The sword would glaze through the rock, nearly cutting its head off. The monster would then stomp on the ground, shaking Ghale off. Ghale would fall off the monster, rolling as quickly as he could away from the behemoth. Before he could get away, the monster would kick Ghale in his side as he rolled, knocking him back. Ghale would nearly drop his sword out of the harsh blunt pain he had to endure. Dreg told Ghale that if he were to come up to his promise, he would have to withstand more pain than he could himself. Ghale was saddened by this, as he knew he was born quite sensitive to touch and pain. However, Ghale did not let this push him back. As the pain throbbed in his side, he would stand up again. Ghale would shout a spell he learned only slightly so far. "L-Light's Bane!" Ghale would shout, stammering. His sword would light up immediately, summoning three copies of itself behind Ghale, pointed towards the monster. These copies would be translucent and gold looking. Ghale would nearly forget how to make them attack, until he remembered that he had to point at the monster. Ghale would swiftly point his free hands index finger at the monster slowly advancing towards him, and the swords would shoot towards it. The monster would attempt blocking, but it would be too slow, taking all three hits in the head and chest. The swords would stay stabbed in the monster, very slowly fading away. Ghale would run up to the monster again, stabbing as hard as he could into its white glowing crystal - like core. The core would crack open from the hard stab, oozing a white liquid. The monster would shout, falling over. Ghale defeated his first foe by himself. The rock monster would crumble up as several white sparkles would fly into Ghale's chest. Ghale would wipe off sweat from his forehead, Sheathing his sword. Dreg would then teleport in front of Ghale. "Very good! Dreg would congratulate Ghale, looking at the rubble that was once living. "Seeing how well you used your new found Spell excites me. One day, you'll be able to make it a Mantra!" Ghale would stretch in relief. "What's a Mantra anyways? I don't know what the difference between a Spell and Mantra is." Dreg would chuckle. "You'll see once you figure out what lies ahead of you. You have a big journey ahead of you."

Ghale would look at his bell, wondering. Was there someway to make it loyal to him instead of whatever evil it was loyal to? Ghale would fall into a sitting position, sighing. "What's next? Some weird crocodile?" Dreg would chuckle. "Sadly, that's the only combat training you'll get today. Everything else to your combat is your choice. Unless you want me to force it on you, of course. We're gonna start our journey towards the Shadow Domain." Ghale would immediately get up. "Finally!" Dreg would straighten his hat and head towards Joule Town. "Let's get some supplies and roll out. Thankfully I have enough silvlets to buy all the things we need." Ghale would rush towards Dreg, walking the same pace as him as he caught up. Ghale was excited as the only REAL adventuring they did was sailing the seas and getting to the middle of the Reyto Region to the odd forest. But an actual dangerous place? Ghale loved the sound of that. Ever since he was a very young kid, he loved to get into mischief, finding somewhat dangerous creatures around his house. Only once his brother had had to use some sort of power to kill a creature once when Ghale found it. His brother scolded him quite harshly after it. Ever since, Ghale matured slightly more since that, knowing he shouldn't mess with things he didn't know about, but the thrill of exploration excited him more than anything else. Ghale and Dreg would arrive in the town and walk towards a slightly bigger shack that had a sign above the door saying Merchant Shop. Dreg would walk in and tell Ghale to wait outside. After a few moments, a girl would run up to Ghale. She would have long, almost white hair with a single, small white lotus carefully settled in it. Her eyes would be a nice light blue while she had a seemingly over excited smile. She would have a leather pack that hung around her waist. it was nearly as long as her waist. She would have a sword, which shocked Ghale, but he didn't know what it looked like, as it was sheathed."Hi, Ghale!" She would shout right in front of him. Ghale would be stricken with shock. How does this random girl know my name? I've never even seen her before! Ghale would shake his head. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" The girl would laugh, almost seemingly fake laughing. "I'm just smart! I'm Kyrie, by the way." She would say, grabbing Ghale's hand to shake it. She would then let go, looking around. "This place is A LOT more gloomy than where I come from. Is it like this EVERYWHERE?" Ghale would look back and forth, hoping this girl's parents would appear and take her away. "Uhm. It's only this region. How do you not know this? You seem to be around my age, so I'm assuming you've atleast got some schooling somewhere about geography." Kyrie would laugh again. "Of course not! I'm not from the Forge!" Ghale's eyes would widen. "You're not from these continents?" Ghale would exclaim. Kyrie would giggle. "I'm from La-" Kyrie would cut herself off almost immediately. "Uhhh, I'm actually from, uh- THE SHUN SANDS! Yeah!" Ghale would immediately assume this girl was lying, but he would let it slide. Thankfully, Dreg would walk out of the Merchant Shop, muttering something. He would walk up to Ghale, stopping. He would look at Ghale, then at Kyrie, then back at Ghale a few times with a straight face. "Who's this?" "I'm Ky-" Ghale would cut off Kyrie. "I don't know who she is, she just walked up and won't go away." Dreg would look at the girl, curious. "Where's your parent person?" Kyrie would look up to Dreg. "What's that?" Dreg would widen his eyes a little. "Okay then.. How about family members?" "None!" Kyrie would say, still smiling. Dreg would look to Ghale, then back to Kyrie, noticing her sword. "Are you a Rogue?" Kyrie would say no again, confusing Dreg. "Why in the hell is there a girl out here in the most deserted Regions with a sword and a little too enthusiastic smile?" Kyrie would giggle. "Can't tell you that!" Dreg would then get an idea. "Two is better than one, right Ghale?" Ghale would look at Dreg, surprised. You gotta be kidding! I don't want to deal with such a hyper person every day! "What does that mean?" Kyrie asked. Dreg would grin under his mask. "I'm inviting you to train as a Rogue with my apprentice here, Ghale. I am Dreg, nice to meet you, young lady."

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