Chiron Gives Me The First Quest Talk

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"Ahhhhhhh" sighs Melody contentedly. I had been staying in Heaphadius Cabin and had been liking it a lot. I got up then looked around. I need to get dressed, I thought to myself. I threw on a blue-green tie-dyed tee and some jean shorts with my white sneakers and headed over to Poisidion cabin. But I couldn't even manage to get out of this cabin. Because pants. Leo had (for some strange reason) been building a statue of medal pants. But I managed to get out of there, even if Leo was cursing at me for knocking over his pants( haha just thinking that is funny) and just went to the mess hall for breakfast since it was getting late anyway. I went for my normal seat with Caiden and Ethen ( Holly had been sick and was throwing up to much for me to go near her) when Chiron pulled me aside " Uh Hailey I think you should come with me" he said nervously. "Okay?" I asked, very confused. When we got to the Big House he said to me " Listen, Child, you have been an interesting case and we all love you but-" he paused thinking, " I think you should go on a quest to Olympus and find out who your Father is" "But don't we need a Prophecy from the Oracle to go on a quest ?" I challenged " Yes, which is why it's is time for you to meet Rachel."

So I met Rachel. I went to find her then out of nowhere she appeared and started floating and as green mist curled around her, she whispered 

" Six Demigods shall go on a quest, dire consequences , the price of success. A truth of a death shall light the cove, but beware the lier's trove. The new fates day and goddess's night. The naming begins and so shall the fight" and with that she collapsed on the ground. I reported to Chiron and he said "You leave tomorrow". I went back to breakfast but Ethan had eaten all my food! Meanie " Hey," I said jokingly"I was hungry"  "Welp you can get it back in about two days" he retorted " Gross"  Caiden and I in unison,  we looked at each other, Archery was boring, rock climbing was to the death, the day was normal. Until it wasn't........

Hey guys this is my first so feel free to send me any ideas and also, should I do the chapters shorter or longer? 

Father, Who am IHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin