Hell Hole - 2

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Possible TW for this chapter!!
Mentions of a student passing out</3


You near enough throw the books onto the table, already in a bad mood because some random kid kept nagging at you and saying you were too this and too that. Damned kids. Why did you decide to become a professor?? But, it's only the first day. Surely they will only get better from here. Surely.

A knock on the door. Great.
"Come in!" You call, not looking at the door in fear of it being anyone other than Minnie. Plus, that was too much effort. Instead, you continue reading through the lesson plan which you scribbled up at two in the morning because you couldn't sleep. The noise of the door opening greets your ears and then some footsteps, at least two or three of the little shits walked in.

"Professor... What can we call you?" One of them pipes up. They didn't have any lessons with you, otherwise they would know clearly who you were.

You lift your head and look at the duo. The one which you assume had spoken had shoulder length bleach blonde hair- dyed coffee coloured tips. The other had a light brown, almost caramel-type coloured hair. Her's was curly and bouncy. Neither of the girls looked healthy. The blonde looked extremely flushed and malnourished while the brunette simply looked like she was about to be sick after seeing a ghost.

"Professor Ambrose." You mumble, looking back down at your lesson plan. They don't move, or say anything. "Can I be of service to the two of you or will you both simply stand there like two sacks of potatoes?"

"Right, yeah, uh, so- I am really sorry, Professor, but my friend here has this allergy to milk and we think someone put it in her food while we weren't looking and-" The brunette rushed, but before she could finish, the blonde's eyelids began flickering rapidly. 10 seconds before she went. Lovely.

You stand up from your desk quickly and almost run over to the two. The brunette was clearly panicking, arms and hands shaking, chest heaving while she looked at her friend's eyes, evidently scared for dear life. Poor girl. You gently move the brunette away from the blonde and take over, wrapping your arms around the blonde in a way that would make sure she wouldn't hit herself on the way down without actually touching her.
"What's your name?" You ask, eyes not leaving the blondes chest, you needed to make sure she was breathing. The brunette answered. Pretty name, Delilah. But she was going to have one hell of a year in this school with a pretty name like that. Bullying is tough. "Okay, Delilah, can you go over to my desk, go into the middle draw and pull out the cold blue and white box then bring it to fuck-" You quickly grab onto the blondes body as it finally gives in on her, unconscious body falling forwards into you and almost knocking your balance. You manage to keep yourself upright before looking over to the brunette for the first time. "The box- I need it, please." You stutter, holding the girl up. You slowly ease both yourself and the girl to the ground, using your hands as a pillow for the girl, making sure that her head is flat on the floor.

"Shit, shit, shit.." Delilah mutters under her breathe as she passes you. Once the box is found, the brings it back to you and opens it for you. You pull out one of the cool packs in it.

"What's her name?" You question, wrapping the pack in a loose piece of cloth you found in your pocket and placing it against the blondes pulse point. It should cool her down a bit- she was hot to the touch, too hot.

"Her name is Danny." Delilah sighs, sinking to her knees beside you, bringing her knees up to her chest and hugging her legs. This was too much for her and it was painfully obvious.

"Okay, Delilah, could you please go to my desk and try not to look over here? Thank you." You start fussing around at the blonde's neck, gently pulling down the neckline of the top she was wearing so it wasn't restricting her breathing in any way. Then you began working your charm, calming Delilah whilst helping her friend, using your mind in one of its best ways.
Around ten minutes went by and Danny still wasn't responsive.

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