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Unlawful - L.Lesso x oc/reader
Story is written in second person(you did this, you did that etc)
Your name is Harley ~> Leonora, when she taught you, nicknamed you Quinn.
Story takes place in the late 1900's however the fairytale clothes are kept because, yknow.. its a fairytale.
☆ The whole Agatha, Sophie, Rafal, Tedros etc thingy never went down, I cba writing up all the trauma for it xoxo
You and Leonora disliked eachother when you were at school, she was your least favourite teacher, though you didn't have many of her classes. However, the faculty were trained for learning dissabilities and so therefore knows how to handle your 'attacks'.
Leonora, in this fic, can read minds depending on her mindset, sometime's, if she loses control, she does it subconsciously/accidentally.
You are 28, Leonora is 35, ignore all timelines before this and play pretend in order for this fic not to be dodgy, mk?? Thanks xoxo

☆ Your character info
Your name is Harley Ambrose. You are very loosely related to Esther Gothel(Mother Gothel)
You are 28 years old, I don't think I can make that any more clear.
Your hair is a platinum blonde, almost silver-looking in some lighting. Whilst you do have the odd curl or two, your hair is dominantly wavy.
Your eyes are a mix between a milk chocolate and a coffee brown.
You used to be an 'angel doctor'(will be explored more in the chapters as things move along

I am editing this fic after forever because yall deserve more than what my past self thought was a good idea to post on the internet💀(15/03/24)

Unlawful ☆ L.Lesso X Oc(reader)Where stories live. Discover now